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SlyFerret|: Where are you?


SlyFerret|: Why aren't you answering me?



Draco's POV

I'd given up on not texting him and gone back to the common room so I could text him, there was still no reply, I'd sent about fifty 'where are you's and it wasn't helping. By now the rest of the school know and they are now looking for him. I, however, have locked myself in my room, I'd rather not be seen this panicked in public.

I'm pacing around my room trying to think where he is, but my mind keeps trying to think the worst and I don't know how to get the horrible idea of him being dead out of my head. last year during the battle at Hogwarts I remember when Hagrid carried Harry up to Hogwarts, proclaiming him to be dead, it took all my effort not to just cry right then and there, but my mum came to get me, I was too numb to argue. I will never forget that feeling, I had felt so lost, Harry was practically a rock in my life, he stayed the same, bickering every year.

I lay on my bed thinking of all the times I had teased Harry just to get his attention, I can't believe I hand-made over a hundred 'Potter Stinks' badges in our fourth year. My father had told me to make friends with Harry in our first year, he'd said it would help because of his ex-death-eater status "The boy who lives becomes best friends with an Ex-deatheater's son" would be the headlines in Witch Weekly he'd said. I had, had so much confidence in my ability to 'make friends' that I hadn't realized that I had no idea how to. My friends, Blaise and Pansy were friends with me from childhood only due to the fact that my father wanted me to know people he thought would be important one day.

I feel sorry for my father, I don't think he ever truly loved anyone, maybe not even mother. 

There's a crash and my door flies open, Blaise has his wand out and it is pointing at the fallen door.

"Merlins balls Blaise! What the flaming hell was that for? ever heard of knocking?" I shout in surprise.

"I did! You weren't answering!" Blaise shouts back, I flinch and stand up from my position on my bed.

"We found Harry, come on," I thought Pansy would've been the one to tell me whether someone found Harry or not, but whatever I need to see Harry.

A/N sorry for the fake updates you may or may not have received I was just switching the order of the last 2 chapters so it made more sense and was a bit suspenseful, anyway, as always;

VOTE and FAN in the comments below so that I know you guys want me to write more because I enjoy writing this. <3

Love you guys - Lani


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