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I think people seem to be okay with the ships in this? Yay? Nay?

Theodore's POV

The moment he had heard that Neville and a few others were in the hospital wing he had decided that he was going to sneak in later that night. He wasn't going just because of his crush on Neville though, he was worried about Blaise and Draco. Despite having been distant with them from the start of the year, Theodore still cared about his old friends and didn't wish for them to be harmed in any way.

Theo had quietly made his way to the infirmary while the rest of the castle slept. He avoided anyone else that was also wandering the corridors and made it to the infirmary without being detected.

The door stood slightly ajar making Theo question his resolve, was this really a good idea?

He pushed the door open wider and slipped through the gap, closing it behind him. Then he turned around.

The room had eight patients or eight occupied beds. He glanced around and realised that one of the beds actually had two people, Potter and Draco, they barely fit on the small hospital bed together... He wandered what Daphne would think of this new development.

Theo noticed that everyone seemed paired up with someone except Neville. Though the way the rest were paired was subtle, compared to Draco and Potter's way of showing it.

Neville whimpered, and Theodore rushed to his side, almost forgetting to be quiet but remembering it before he accidentally woke any of the lovebirds up. He stood over Neville and became immediately flustered. When he had decided to do this he hadn't figured out what to do once he got here. He had half figured that maybe he would look over them to access their okayness then leave. But that stupid idea had died as soon as he heard Neville whimper.

He brushed a finger over Neville's forehead and tucked a piece of hair behind his ear in doing so. he felt embarrassed and stepped back. This small action made Neville wake up from his nightmare. he blinked owlishly at the surrounding darkness, slightly disorientated, after a moment his eyes focused on the terrified form of Theo who was standing still beside Neville, with his arm still slightly raised from his previous action.

"Ahh... hi," Theo said slowly.


"Sorry I interrupted your sleep, I should get going now,"  Theo said stepping away from the bed, realising he still had his arm raised he let it drop awkwardly to his side.

"it's fine, I wasn't enjoying sleeping anyway, as I'm sure was quite obvious," Neville said jokingly, "Why don't you stay? keep me company?"

Theodore was too tempted by the request to say no so he sat on the bed with Neville.

"Why don't we play 20 questions? it a game where we ask each other questions so we can get to know each other, okay?" 

"Uh sure."

Thanks for all your support :D i didn't think I would get this many reads or votes ever so thank you!

Feel free to nominate this fanfiction in the fiction awards 2019 but I don't mind if you guys don't :)

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