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I suck at updating and I've been really stressed lately so I'm really sorry for not writing anything new. I was in my school musical and I was given a part a week before the performances so I was under pressure to learn all of the choreography and some of the singing. I also had to miss a week of school for production week so now I'm a bit behind in most classes so I'm trying to catch up. it doesn't help that we are about to enter the assessment part of the term and it's term 4 to so I don't want to botch my grades at the end of the year so that's why I haven't been doing much writing.

3rd person pov (Hermione's group)(Neville, Ron and her, I think..?)

"What's this?" Hermione said gesturing to a burnt mark in a tree.

"It looks like writing," Neville said uncertainly.

"Yeah, you're right, Lumos!" her wand started to glow, lighting up the wood of the trunk and illuminating the clear writing.

"I think it says, 'I'm with Harry (Pansy) we think Blaise was under the imperious curse and tricked Draco into coming in here.' then there's a drawing of an arrow pointing to our left, indicating they wen that way I'm guessing," Hermione reads out.

The others nod and silently agree to go in that direction. Hermione then sends a message to Luna and Ginny with her Patronus. They tread through the forest trying to be quiet as to not attract any negative attention from either Draco's captors or other dark creatures that might be lurking around in the Forbidden Forest. (Edit: A/N I was just reading through this and then I realised I wrote Dark Forest and I'm like, wait, that doesn't sound right, anyway, I'm surprised no one picked up on that and gave me some grief for it)

"What was that?" whispers Ron suddenly.

"huh? I didn't hear anything?" Neville replies.

Hermione holds up a finger to signal silence, they all stand still waiting with trepidation for a sound.

A light rustling comes from a few feet away and out comes...

guess who or what?

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