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BendyMan|: ahh, yes? y?

SlyFerret|: i wasn't sleeping very well, u can guess y

BendyMan|: nightmares right? I get them too, even before the war

SlyFerret|: same, i got nightmares sometimes as well, but now...

BendyMan|: all the time? I know the feeling. 

BendyMan|: do u want to talk about it?

SlyFerret|: not right now, maybe some other time? i just want to talk

BendyMan|: ok, what do you want to talk about?

SlyFerret|: anything

BendyMan|: very helpful

SlyFerret|: I am a verrrrry helpful person ;)

BendyMan|: riiiight, absolutely correct

SlyFerret|: mhmmm

BendyMan|: y dont we just ask questions

SlyFerret|: ok sure, should be good

BendyMan|: u wont go tellling the prophet all my deep dark secrets will u

SlyFerret|: of course not, it isn't 4th year

BendyMan|: right, of course

SlyFerret|: so whats your favourite food?

BendyMan|: very original, :'). anyway, treacle tart

SlyFerret|: shuddup. yum

BendyMan|: when did u start to learn quidditch?

SlyFerret|: when i was seven, i was a good way to get away from the Manor

BendyMan|: yes, flying is a bit like that, an escape

SlyFerret|: yes, tho i am curious, in first year, was that really your first time on a broom?

BendyMan|: that i am aware of yeah

SlyFerret|: u rly r a natural 

BendyMan|: omg, Merlin's beard, did Draco Lucius Malfoy just compliment the lowly likes of me?!

SlyFerret|: rly Harry?

BendyMan|: :D yes rly


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