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Hermione's POV 3rd person (the group really)

Ginny and Luna step out from the bushes, holding hands. Their expressions show excitement with a good mixing of guilt. 

"Wait are you guys together now?" Ron asks, he has been so quiet Hermione almost forgot that he was there.

"Yes, we are," Luna says in a quiet sing-song voice.

"Congratulations, I guess?" Neville says to the new couple before continuing on to himself, "seems like everyone has been paired off with someone except me..." (A/N leave a comment as to who you would like with Neville excluding the people who have already been paired off so far Theodore Nott is the only option..)

"Thank you, but we ought to be going. Thank you for the message, by the way, Hermione, very informative," Luna says formally, catching Hermione off guard.

"N-no problem," she takes a deep breath in to calm herself down before continuing on, "We better be going,"

"Yes," the rest of the group collectively say, or well, they say words the mean yes at the same time.

They head in the direction for a little while before they all hear it. 



They all start to run towards the sound, meaning they are unable to hear the spells being used because they're too focused on the direction from whence they came (A/N Oh how I love using words like whence, I don't even know why ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

They Crash into the clearing to see a black-clothed body laying on the floor and spells flying across the clearing.  Blaise is attempting to move an injured and staggering Draco away from the fray.

and that's that, all finished.

thank you all for reading :D

jk. I'll update again, eventually. but hey! this was only 6 days of waiting!! the update before this one took 11 days.

I would like to thank everyone for reading/voting and commenting on this crappy fanfic that I could honestly try a lot harder on, considering I want to be an author, but I'm being lazy and my only excuse is "it's just fanfiction, it doesn't really matter" so I'm sorry that this is lazy. In the books I write that aren't fanfiction, I tend to keep to a rule of always having 1000 - 1500 to 2000 - 3000 words whereas in this I sporadically write around 200-500 words in like less than an hour.

anyways, VOTE and COMMENT to show your appreciation.

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