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BendyMan|: Draco?

SlyFerret|: u didn't scare me away, scarface

BendyMan|: what happened to the pleasantries?

BendyMan|: r we really going back to petty name calling?

SlyFerret|: yes

BendyMan|: both?

SlyFerret|: yes


HermioneG|: Harry? can we talk pls?


BendyMan|: brb, hermione wants to talk

SlyFerret|: whelp, okay. i'll go talk with someone else then

BendyMan|: thx


BendyMan|: sure Mione, what's up?

HermioneG|: it's about Ron

BendyMan|: okaay?

HermioneG|: and I know his your best friend but please keep an open mind

BendyMan|: of course

HermioneG|: I don't think i like him anymore

BendyMan|: what? ehy?

HermioneG|: all he does is play chess, obsess about Quidditch and the like

HermioneG|: we never do anything together, like:

HermioneG|: ill ask him out to Hogsmeade and he just wants to go to the great hall and pig out on all the food 

BendyMan|: if thats how u feel u probably shouldnt be dating

HermioneG|: thank u 4 understanding

BendyMan|: np Mione

HermioneG|: so who've you been chatting 2 so much recently ;)

BendyMan|: my 'dumbledore pair'

HermioneG|: oh, who are they?


should Pansmione be a thing?
(It has been decided that it is... And after like another extra 50 or so comments that just say yes I'm having a hard time figuring out a different and creative reply.... So if you could comment something that isn't just yes, it would be appreciated)

i am considering adding some non text content, yay or nay?

also vote comment and stuff


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