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Harry's POV

Hermione leaves to inform Headmistress McGonagall about what happened, I head to the common room to see if anyone knows where Draco is.

I find Pansy near the common room looking panicked, the darkness of the evening defining her panicked features, when she sees me her face becomes even more panicked and she runs to me.

"Blaise was acting weird, he told me to wait for him so he could tell Draco that you are Okay, but he seemed shifty and almost like he was fighting himself, and now I can't find either of them!"  

"What?" I don't understand what's happening.

"Maybe he was under the imperious curse..." she mumbles to herself.

"What! why would someone put Blaise under the imperious curse? and to take Draco?" I say, I'm getting frustrated now, what the hell is happening?

"I don't know!" she stamps her foot in frustration.

"We have to find him, first I go missing now he goes missing, why can't I have a normal school year?" I ask myself in irritation.

"Come on let's go search his room to see if there's anything strange there," Pansy says.

We go into the common room then up the stairs to Draco's room, there aren't many people but when they see me they bombard me with questions about where I have been, I shrug them off and hurry inside Draco's room. 

His room is stylish as expected, adorned with expensive green-silk curtains and silver mirrors. a painting of Salazar Slytherin, luckily it doesn't move otherwise I would probably be a bit creeped out, although it also means that he cant tell me what happened in here if anything.

The room seems untouched the only thing that bothers me is that his bed is unmade which is unlike Draco and his perfectionistic personality. 

Pansy is examining the rest of the room and its contents but hasn't found anything other than his device which is bad because we have no way to contact him.

"Where are you?"


perfectionistic is actually a word btw, and I'm sorry for the long wait for the update it's the time of the semester at school where there are all those annoying tests and assignments I have to do :\ but I hope you enjoyed this short chapter :)

also VOTE and COMMENT if you are enjoying the story so far <3


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