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Hermione's POV (sorta but more kinda just 3rd pov of the group) (3rd person)

Hermione was on one side of Neville and Ron on the other, as neither of them can really talk to the other even though they have a mutual goal. they were walking across the ground, it was still a few hours before curfew so they had time to search.

According to Luna, it was unlikely that they were in the castle and for some reason they had decided to trust her judgment, she had a sixth sense for this sort of things. Luna and Ginny had gone off to the right and Hermione and her group had gone left. They kept tabs on each other through their phones. Hermione had tried to use a few tracking spells but for some reason, none had worked.

Not the ones for Harry, Draco, Pansy or Blaise, it was like they had fallen off the face of the planet.

The group neared the edge of the forest, their eyes searching across the ground, in the trees, everywhere for just a trace of any of their missing friends. They saw nothing obvious.

Hermione constantly muttered spells under her breath, flicking her wand at the ground at odd intervals, trying to find evidence as to where they were but still found nothing. Until...


cliffhanger... mwahahahahahaha :D (sorry that it kinda reallly, realllly short...

Remember to VOTE and COMMENT to show your appreciation... or annoyance.. :D
~lani <3

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