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BendyMan|: its Malfoy

HermioneG|: why would Dumbledore pair you with Malfoy?

BendyMan|: idk

HermioneG|: hmmm, resolve house rivalry?

BendyMan|: i think thats a huge stretch

HermioneG|: make you date?

BendyMan|: uhhhhh, Hermione is your brain ok?

HermioneG|: yeah, my brain is fine Harry

HermioneG|: hmm i can kinda see it tho, u and him are like opposites

HermioneG|: like he was forced into the bad side and u were forced into the good side

BendyMan|: HERMIONE!

HermioneG|: yes Harry? 

BendyMan|: y r u seriously thinking about this, he bullied you for years

HermioneG|: so? i'm very forgiving, and he never did anything really bad to me


DramaQueen|: u r hawt dray, y wouldn't Potter want to shag u?

SlyFerret|: because i bullied him for six years? and i was a death eater!

DramaQueen|: some might find that kinky

SlyFerret|: really Pansy? i have a mind to go tell potter that you have a crush on his best friend if you dont shut the F UP

DramaQueen|: now, now Dray you wouldn't really do that to me would u

SlyFerret|: u know I would

DramaQueen|: fine, fine


hisssss, i felt bad for spamming updating all the other chapters so i'm updating a new chapter for ur enjoyment :D

hisssssssss, vote or i will send a basilisk after you... 

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