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My eyes grow wide and my stomach turns as the boat slowly pulls into the marina. Not only is Anthony waiting on the dock, but my dad is standing next to him. His face grows with anger as Grayson and I get off and walk toward them.

"Getting your dad's tools, huh?" Anthony glares at me as I walk up to him.

"I was just-" I begin, but my fathers angry voice cuts me off.

"Don't. Don't even start."

"You knew where we were, you're the one who suggested we take the boat out!" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Yes, I told you to take the boat out. That was seven hours ago!" He shouts. I have never seen my father this upset before.

"We had no service whatsoever. Our phones were useless." Grayson begins to explain.

"Why the fuck were you with him for seven hours. You lied to me." Anthony interferes.

"I knew you would be pissed off if you knew the truth." The tone of my voice clearly indicates my growing annoyance.

"I'm even more pissed off that you lied." Anthony runs his hand through his dark hair.

"I'm sorry."

I don't even know who I'm talk to at this point.

"I have been worried sick about you." My father looks at Grayson who is standing behind me. "Both of you."

Grayson sighs and looks down at his feet. "I'm really sorry, Bill." He mumbles under his breath.

"We're fine." I look at my father.

"I didn't know that! Something bad could have happened." My dad yells as we all begin to walk toward the beach.

"Bill, we lost track of time. We were in the water all day and just got carried away." Grayson walks next to my father. His eyes plead with innocence.

"Do you know how bad that sounds?" Anthony's voice is loud as he walks next to me.

"Please don't start." I groan loudly and place my right hand over my forehead.

"Why not? You were suppose to be at my house almost two hours ago and you didn't show up. I was worried, even more worried when you're father called frantically asking where you were. I thought something terrible happened to you." Anthony's face grows angry as he nods his head toward Grayson. "I can't believe you were with him all day."

"He's my friend. It's not a big deal." I shiver lightly. I'm still wet from the water and the walk down the beach is making it worse. The air is colder now that we are by the ocean.

"Yes, it is a big deal. You're my girlfriend and you lied to me about why you were at the marina." 

I stay quiet. I don't have any more energy to keep fighting. I just want to be left alone.

"Next time, just be more cautious of the time." My father says with a sigh as we approach my house.

Grayson nods as he looks at him. "Of course."

I watch as my father unlocks the screen door and steps inside of my house. I can't believe this perfect day ended with so much drama.

Grayson turns and looks back at me. I could tell he wants to say something to Anthony, but keeps his cool.

"Look, I'm sorry for overreacting." Anthony sighs and places his hand on my cheek lightly.

"I just don't want to keep arguing." I tell him as he pushes a piece of blonde hair behind my ear.

never be the same | grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now