forty three

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Madison's POV:

My mind could not stop racing with thoughts of what happened at work last night. Chills run down my spine at the thought of another creepy guy following me around. I could not let the topic go, so I knew turning to Christopher would be the best solution. After my last class I rush over to him and Ava standing around his locker.

"Christopher I need to talk to you."

"What's up?" He looks over at me while grabbing some books from his locker.

"Are you going to the bakery today?" I blurt out.

"Yeah, I usually always go after school." He chuckles.

"Can I come with you?"

"Is this about that guy from last night?" Ava crosses her arms over her blouse and eyes me up and down.

"Yes," I mumble. "I need to know why he would try to persuade me to go to NYU if he doesn't even know me."

"This has your mother written all over it." Christopher points out with a sigh.

"I know." I angrily roll my eyes. "But I need to have proof before I slam her with it."

"We can go right now." He closes his locker and steps away from it.

"Well, I'm obviously coming." Ava smiles as she walks next to me.

My stomach begins to turn as we enter the cold air and begin our long walk across the city. "I have a weird feeling about all of this. Do you think my mother put him up to it?"

"I don't doubt it." Ava scoffs.

"Yeah, the Devil works hard but your mother works harder." Christopher laughs while linking his arm through mine.

"She is so desperate for me to go to NYU she'll do anything." I loudly groan.

"Wait till she hears about the perfect college you found." Ava adds.

"I'm not even going to tell her." I sigh while crossing the street. "And I'm not going to tell her I'm booking my plane ticket tonight."

"You are?" Christopher happily exclaims.

"Yup, I don't care what she says." I shake my head. "Thanksgiving is a holiday spent with your family. My father and Grayson are my family, not her."

"Does Grayson know you're booking the flight?" Ava asks with a small smile.

"I'm gonna call him tonight once everything is all set."

"See, I knew you would be seeing him sooner than expected." Christopher smiles once we cross over to 34th street.

"I seriously can't wait." I lightly laugh. "Long distance sucks."

"It seems really hard." Ava looks down at the sidewalk.

"If you have the right person it's a lot easier." I smile brightly thinking of my favorite boy. We suddenly stand in front of the bakery and stare up at the sign.

"This is it." Christopher points to the door.

"What if he's not working?" I turn to him.

"He always is, trust me." Christopher smirks as he opens the door and steps inside.

The smell of fresh baked cookies fills my nostrils as Ava and I pile into the small bakery. My eyes immediately go to David, who is behind the cash register. My heart pounds inside of my chest as I slowly walk over and stand in front of him.

"David." I sternly speak.

His eyes widen the second he sees him. "What are you doing here?" He nervously stutters.

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