fifty one

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Madison's POV:

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Ava smirks as she stands above my bed. "Happy senior ditch day."

I lightly groan and roll over on my side. "Did you seriously need to wake me up?" I grab my phone on the nightstand. "It's only nine thirty."

"I know, but I'm too excited for our fun day planned." She sits down on the soft bed and smiles. "Rosa is preparing breakfast for us."

Since I am finally emancipated from my mother, Ava's guest bedroom has become my temporary home. Living here these past few weeks has definitely been an adjustment. Having a maid do my laundry and having a chef cook my meals is something I will never get used to. Maybe I have my father to thank for that. The door swings open and Christopher steps into the dimly lit room.

"She's still not up?" He rolls his eyes and sits down next to me. "What a princess."

"You know I can hear you, right?" I slowly sit up and look at him.

"We have so much shopping to do today." Ava beams with excitement. "As in Christmas shopping."

"The only shopping that truly matters." Christopher remarks. "I'm so ready to step foot into Tiffany's."

"It's really cold out." I groan as I check the temperature on my phone. Thirty two degrees.

"Obviously." Christopher mumbles. "It's December."

"That's why jackets were invented." Ava rolls her eyes.

"And boots, and scarves and hats." Christopher pats my leg from under the comforter.

"I know you were in Florida a few weeks ago, but come on Mads." Ava sighs at me with a disapproving look taking over her face. "You were born and raised in the cold, you can handle it."

"Isn't senior ditch day supposed to be a day to relax and watch movies?" I sigh and look up at my two persistent best friends.

"Relaxing isn't in Ava's vocab." Christopher laughs.

"You should know this by now, roomie." Ava smirks and nudges me.

"Fine," I yawn. "Shopping day it is."

"You need to find Grayson the perfect Christmas gift." She reminds me as I stand up from the bed.

"And birthday gift." I remind myself. "His birthday is in a few days and I have no idea what to get him."

"I hate the both of you." Christopher scoffs at us. "You guys have boyfriends to shop for."

"For the hundredth time, Anthony isn't my boyfriend." Ava shakes her head at him. "And it's not my fault you deleted the Tinder app."

"Okay one, I was tired of receiving endless dick pics. And two, you've been talking to him for two months now." Christopher rolls his eyes at her. "That counts as something."

"And you're still going to get him a gift." I add while throwing a sweater over my head.

"How do you know that?" Ava questions me.

"Because he's getting you one." I walk over to the closet and pull out a pair of jeans.

"He is?" Her voice squeaks with obvious excitement.

"Yeah, he told me he wanted to get you something."

"Crap, then what should I get him?" She runs a hand through her light brown her and sighs.

"I don't know." I shrug.

"Well you need to help me out." She begins to pace back and forth. "You dated him for a year, what does he like?"

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