twenty seven

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"Ben stop it!" I scream at the top of my lungs as he repeatedly hits Grayson's face. I try to pull him away, but obviously my force isn't strong enough. Grayson is trapped on the ground while Ben has him pinned down. "Please!" I scream again.

"Shut up Madison. This is your fault." Ben looks back over to me.

"How the hell is this my fault?" I yell at the disgusting man in front of me.

"Because you keep messing around with all of these asshole guys who don't deserve you." The look in his eyes scare the crap out of me. I try to remain calm while getting my point across.

"Ben, stop. I love him so much please stop hurting him!" Tears stream down my face as I stare at Grayson on the ground.

"You really don't get it, do you?" He shakes his head and looks up at me. "I love you, Madison! I have loved you since the second Anthony introduced me to you a year ago."

"I'm sorry." I sob. "You had me as a friend but you lost it the second you drugged me and tried to take advantage of me." Saying those words out loud to him makes my body feel weak.

"You little bitch." He yells at me. I flinch at his harsh words. "You acted like you were into me the whole summer just to make me look like an ass in front of everyone."

"You need help." My stomach feels sick at this interaction. "Hurting Grayson isn't the answer."

"That's not what I think." He states while hitting him again.

"I'll do anything! Just stop hurting him." I try to negotiate with my tormentor.

Ben stares down at Grayson laying underneath him. He reluctantly stands up and turns back toward me.

"Just you wait." To my surprise he walks down the dark road.

I immediately rush to Grayson and kneel down next to him.

"Grayson!" I yell and lightly shake his body. His face is covered in blood and his arms have several bruises on them.

He groans loudly as he tries to cover his face with his hand. I help him to his feet and swing his arm over my shoulder. "We need to get you home." I wobble down the block with Grayson latched around me.

I don't understand why Ben can't just leave me alone. He ruins every good night we seem to have. The second we reach our house I unlock the door and Grayson steps inside. The dark red blood from his face is dripping out onto the floor.

"Shower." He mumbles and rushes over to the bathroom. I run in with him and turn the water on while he takes his clothes off.

"This can't be happening." More tears stream down my face.

"It's okay." Grayson groans in pain. My eyes widen when I notice a nasty cut across the back of his shoulder.

"Shit." I stare at the blood dripping down his body. "You have a deep cut on your shoulder."

Grayson doesn't say a word. Instead he steps into the shower with a deep sigh. I look down at my bloody hands and pull a washcloth out of the cabinet.

After staring at my reflection for too long I begin to take my clothes off. I start with my socks and sneakers, which leads to my tank top and shorts. Once every item of clothing is off of my body I get into the steaming hot shower.

"What are you-"

"Just turn around." I inform him.

Grayson looks at me confused before turning to face the water. I run the washcloth over the cut on his back as I apply pressure to it.

never be the same | grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now