thirty eight

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"Who the hell is this?" Grayson motions toward Christopher who is awkwardly standing behind me. You can see the growing anger that is spreading across his perfect features.

"I told you, she had a date to homecoming." My mother scoffs at Grayson like he is a child. "Now get out of my apartment."

"Mother!" I scream in embarrassment. "What did you say to him?" I feel like I'm going to throw up. I can't believe Grayson is actually in New York City, standing in my apartment.

"Just stuff I'm sure he already knew." She rolls her eyes. "That he's holding you back from achieving your goals at NYU."

"Why the fuck are you always trying to ruin everything!" I scream in her face while clenching my fists. This woman gets me so infuriated.

"Why would you go to homecoming with another guy? Have you been cheating on me?" Grayson looks so heartbroken as he stares down at me.

"What? No." I shake my head and look back over to Christopher, who begins to laugh.

"You think this is funny?" Grayson goes to step toward him but Anthony grabs the back of his shirt to draw him away.

"Look at what you've done!" My mother turns to me as she slowly moves away from Grayson. "Bringing two aggressive teenage boys into my home who you shouldn't have any contact with in the first place."

"Can everybody just calm down!" I yell and place my hand over my forehead.

"Yeah, Madison isn't my type. Trust me." Christopher slowly responds with a terrified look on his face.

"Christopher you don't have to do this." I mumble lightly as I turn back to face him.

"You're wearing his jacket and defending him!" Grayson practically screams.

"Wait, what do you mean?" Anthony raises an eyebrow at as he looks back over at Christopher. I can tell he's starting to catch on by the slow tone of his voice.

"Well, let's just say that you're more of my type." Christopher lightly smirks as he nods toward Anthony.

All four of us freeze as we stare at him.

"Oh my God." My mother lightly gasps while dramatically placing her hand over her chest.

"Wait." Grayson looks at him confused. "You're...You like..."

"Dick?" Christopher questions with a laugh. "Yup, and usually I'm not so open about it because of reactions like this." He points around the room to all of the shocked expressions. "But because Madison is an amazing person, I will gladly expose myself."

"Christopher is just a friend, a great friend actually." I begin to explain. "He didn't have a date to homecoming and neither did I so we went together."

Grayson's face drops as his tanned skin begins to turn pale. His mouth hangs open for a second as he fumbles his words out. "Madison, I am so sorry."

"Do not apologize to her." My mother snaps. "Both of you need to leave right now."

"No!" I turn back to her. "They're my guests and they're staying. How dare you say such horrible things to Grayson. I love him, mother so get over it because there is nothing that you can say or do that will change how I feel about him."

"Get over yourself, Madison." My mother shakes her head with a laugh. "This boy will only ruin you."

"Don't speak to her that way." Grayson's voice becomes louder as he glares at my mother.

"If you don't leave this apartment right now I will call the police." She turns back over to him.

"If you don't want them here, then you leave." I cross my arms over my body as my chest heavily rises.

never be the same | grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now