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My mind drifts into a daze as I sit back in my beach chair. Despite the fact that I live on the beach, sometimes it feels like I never get the chance to actually relax on it. Because today is Wednesday, it is not as crowded. That makes it easier to actually wind down.

"Pass the sunscreen." Victoria motions toward my bag next to me.

I nod and hand her the small bottle. "It's so hot today."

"Thank god, I can finally start working on my tan." Victoria begins to apply the lotion on her perfect olive skin.

I close my eyes again and allow the sound of the waves crashing along the shore to relax me.

"I didn't know lover boy surfed." Victoria giggles lightly.

I lift up my black sunglasses to see Grayson walking along the shore with his surfboard hanging under his arm.

"He's learning." I quietly point out.

"I knew you would know something about it." She teases with a smirk plastered across her face.

"Oh, shut up." I laugh along with her. "He lives in the same house as me, obviously I'm going to know things about him."

"How has it been living with him for the past week?"

"Fine, I guess. We get along good, so that's a plus" My shoulders shrug.

"God, look at those back muscles." Victoria's jaw drops as Grayson begins to paddle on his board. "Can I move in with you?"

"You're annoying." I roll my eyes from under my sunglasses.

"Come on, you have to admit he's super attractive." She keeps her eyes focused on him in the distance.

"Obviously he's attractive." I mumble as I sit up a little.

"I mean, your boyfriend is smoking hot and all, but damn. What a body." Victoria laughs and turns her head to look at me.

"Why don't I just set you up with him then so you can finally shut up about it." I joke.

"Wait, can you?" Her head immediately looks back at me.

"Tori, that was a joke. Besides, I thought you had a thing with Kevin." Last summer Victoria had a major crush on Anthony's best friend.

"That's pretty much over. We just weren't compatible." She shrugs.

"You wouldn't be compatible with Grayson, either." I inform her.

"Why not?" Her tone is serious.

"Because he's brooding and quiet, and you're loud and obnoxious." I explain to my bubbly best friend.

"I didn't say I was going to marry the guy. Maybe he could be my date to the charity event for those cute little dolphins." This weekend our town hall is hosting a fancy charity event to raise money for endangered dolphins along the coast of Florida. I already promised Anthony I would be his date.

"I can't believe you're serious." I laugh. Grayson and Victoria are nothing alike.

"Please ask him for me. Please, Mads." Victoria sounds like a five year old begging for some candy.

"I mean-"

"You wouldn't care if we went together, right? I mean you said it yourself you weren't into him."

"Fine, I'll ask." I sigh again as I shut my eyes.

I mostly just said that to shut her up, I actually had no real intentions of asking Grayson to be her date. He would feel so out of place at some extravagant event.

"Perfect timing, because here he comes."

I look up to see Grayson walking toward us. His body almost looks like it's sparkling from the water droplets placed along his bare skin.

"Madison." He calls out as he approaches us.

"Hey, what's up?" I stare at him through my dark lenses.

"Did your dad leave for work yet? I don't have a key to get back into the house."

"No, he was leaving at 12:30. He should still be home."

"Okay, perfect." He wipes his beach towel over his face.

Victoria looks at me and clears her throat, indicating an introduction.

"Grayson, this is my friend Victoria." I force myself to point to her sitting next to me.

"Nice to meet you." He politely waves. "Didn't we have math together this year?"

"Yeah, we did." Victoria smiles sweetly. "Mr. Adams was so boring."

"Yeah, he was." Grayson laughs.

"So, do you usually surf everyday?" She stares up at him. I can tell she's checking out his body from the way her sunglasses are positioned.

"Yeah, I'm trying to teach myself." Grayson explains.

This is so awkward.

"My brother is a pro at it, I'm sure he can help you out. Not that you really need it, you were doing awesome." She giggles lightly.

Oh God, can I vomit now or later?

"Thanks, maybe once I'm a little better at it." Grayson smiles softly, looking back at me sitting in my chair.

"Are you going to the charity event this weekend, the one for the dolphins?" Victoria questions.

Looks like she's taking charge on asking him. This works out better because now I don't have to.

"Uh, I'm not sure. I know Bill and Madison are." He explains.

"Well since Madison is going with Anthony, would you wanna be my date to it?"

Grayson seems to be caught off guard by her request. He looks at me from the corner of his eye.

"Sure, I have work at nine so I wouldn't be able to stay too late though." He looks back down at her.

"That's okay, it starts at five." She grins sweetly up at him.

"Then yeah, okay." He smiles awkwardly.

"Uh, Grayson my dad is probably leaving soon, FYI." I nod toward the direction of my house.

"Yeah, I should get going. See you guys later." He picks his surfboard back up and heads toward my house.

"He is so dreamy." Victoria says with a loving sigh.

"Happy now?" I say a little annoyed.

"Yes. I can't wait to save these damn dolphins." She laughs as she places her headphones in her ear.

A part of me doesn't want Grayson to go to the charity event with Victoria. Not because I'm jealous, but because I know exactly what she's capable of.

never be the same | grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now