fifty five

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New Years Eve is one of the craziest nights in New York City. People from all over the world travel to Time Square to watch the ball drop. The city is filled with celebrities getting ready to perform on national television.

The atmosphere is so loud and crowded as everyone awaits to bring in the new year with their loved ones. My father and I went out for breakfast while Ava and Christopher took Grayson and Anthony for another walk around central park. It's nice to sit down with him at a cafe and talk.

"So, I guess you can say this was an interesting year." He laughs while taking a sip of his coffee.

"You could say that again." I chuckle and look down at my bagel. "This year had so many ups and downs."

"It didn't necessarily start out the best, if I remember correctly."

"Not at all." I loudly sigh. "I was still having panic attacks about Ben when the year started, plus mom wasn't making anything better."

"She never does." He shakes his head. "This year didn't start out the greatest for me either. I was still devastated about what you went through, even five months after it happened. I was thinking of selling the house."

"I'm glad that whole chapter is behind me." I take a sip of my chocolate milk. "The worst year of my life."

"But everything got better, when Grayson came into the picture." He says with a grin.

"For you too." I add. "You knew him long before I did."

"I guess he did have an impact on me." He lightly laughs. "I remember when he started working at the marina. Kinda quiet, but once he loosened up he was determined to fix anything and everything."

"Did you get close to him right away?" I can't help but feel intrigued about my father's relationship with Grayson before mine.

"Sort of." He shrugged. "We always worked the same hours, so we were always together. He was funny, always cracking jokes about our boss or the people in town. I felt bad whenever he would tell me about his parents."

"I can only imagine." I mutter.

"When he came in the day they left, he was as pale as a ghost and he was in tears all day. I've never seen him so sad, so broken. He kept crying saying he was homeless. I wouldn't allow that to happen. You were gone and I figured you weren't coming back, plus I had the extra room. I told him he could live with me and the rest is history."

"He changed both of our lives." I smile thinking of him.

"Yes, he did." My father takes another sip of his coffee. "I can't believe he got into FAU. I'm really proud of him."

"So am I." I blush thinking of this upcoming fall.

"Things are turning out really well for the both of you, you have bright futures ahead of you."

"It's really exciting." I smile as I finish up my breakfast.

"What are your plans for tonight?" My father chuckles. "You know the streets are going to be crazy."

"I think Ava is hosting some party." I shrug. "We'll probably go over there."

"I might hang back at the hotel, let you guys have fun."

"Absolutely not." I protest. "We are all bringing in the new year together."

"I'm spending time with you now." My father shakes his head. "I don't even want you traveling around a lot, all the crazy assholes are out tonight."

"That's every night." We both laugh at my statement. After he finishes his food, we put on our jackets and walk out into the cold. My father wraps his arm around me and smiles as we head down the street.

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