thirty three

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Madison's POV:

"Mother!" I loudly scream as I aggressively storm inside of the apartment. My skin burns with anger as I slam the door behind me. She steps out of her bedroom seconds later with an innocent smile appearing across her face.

"Sweetie." She is clearly unphased by my rage. "How was school?"

"You wanna know how school was?" I shove the piece of paper in her face. "Are you fucking serious?"

"Madison Rose watch your tone." She quickly snaps at me while glancing at the paper.

"You applied to NYU behind my back!" I scream at the top of my lungs.

"I really don't see the issue, I did you a favor." She rolls her eyes and makes her way to the kitchen.

"I'm not going to NYU." I walk after her.

"Stop being so dramatic." She turns back to look at me. "That has been your dream school for years, you should be thanking me."

"Thanking you? Are you on drugs?" My mother is the definition of delusional. "I have made it perfectly clear that I want to go to college in Florida."

"If this is about that silly boy-"

"It's not!" I raise my voice. "I decided this last summer before I even met him."

"You're wasting your future potential in Florida." She blunty states. "New York has a more advanced schooling system that will give you the education you need."

"I never wanted to go to NYU, that was always your dream." I can't believe we're having this conversation right now.

"You're being ridiculous." She shakes her head. "I will not let you throw your hard work away for a silly little community college in Florida."

"It doesn't have to be in the town, but somewhere close to where dad is."

"Your father is the cause of every issue you have had within the past year. He is irresponsible and has proved it countless times." She scoffs.

"Just because you have issues with him doesn't mean that I do!" I shout. "He is an amazing father, he lets me make my own decisions and actually trusts me unlike you."

"Madison, do you not understand how important your future is?" Her stone expression matches her harsh attitude."NYU is the best college in the country and has the exact program you need to start your career. Going down to Florida to waste your time with your irrational father and a random boy you knew for a month is not an option, I will not allow it." She goes to walk out of the kitchen as if this conversation is over.

"It is an option because I actually want to live with dad and not you." I rudely snap. "And Grayson is not just a random boy to me, I love him. He actually treats me with respect and cares about my well being, once again unlike you."

"Do you hear yourself right now?" She lets out a laugh and glares back over to me. "You're seventeen years old, you're a child. You know nothing about being in love. That boy will never be able to give you a bright future, he's only holding you back from achieving your goals."

"Yes, because I'm going to let a woman who has had endless failed relationships tell me about love."

"You think I don't know how you feel?" I watch my mother cross her arms over her chest. "I fell in love with a man like Grayson. It was all fun and games until he couldn't support me financially and look where that got him. Living in a small town fixing boats for a living, just like your little boyfriend. You need to find a man that is going to be able to take care of you and give you everything the world has to offer."

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