forty six

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Grayson's POV: 

I press the final key on my keyboard and lightly sigh of relief. My fingers hurt from typing all day. I stare at the computer screen in front of me as I look over the six long pages I just wrote for my college essay. It's really personal, which is what it is supposed to be.

My motivation has been the strongest these past few days. I'm re taking the SAT this upcoming Saturday and already asked my mechanical engineering teacher for a letter of recommendation. My college future is finally on track and I could not be more thrilled. The best part about this? I'm seeing the most gorgeous girl I've ever laid my eyes on in just a few short hours.

"Grayson?" There is a light knock on my closed bedroom door as it slowly opens. "How's the essay going?" Bill steps into the room with a grin.

"I just finished." I proudly state as I look back at the computer screen.

"You've been working on that for awhile." He chuckles as he walks over to my wooden desk.

"I want it to be perfect," I sigh. "Maybe I should add more to it."

"I'm sure it sounds great." He reassures me. "I'm really proud of you for turning your college future around."

"You are?" I can't help but ask. Nobody has ever told me they were really proud of me before.

"Of course." A giddy smile crosses over his lips. "This is an important time in your life."

"It's all thanks to Madison." I turn my chair around to face him. "She's my motivation for making a life for myself."

"My daughter has that charm to her." He smiles widely. "Always bringing out the best in people."

"She definitely brings out the best in me." I can feel my cheeks turning red from my statement. "I can't wait to see her later."

"She's very excited to come here, especially after the past few days with her mother."

"What happened with her mother?" I raise an eyebrow as I keep my eyes fixed on him.

"My ex wife paid somebody to convince Madison to go to NYU, so she called my lawyer and is asking me to have full custody of her." Bill explains with a longing sigh. "I need to sign the papers once she gets here."

"What?" I look at him with a confused expression. How did I not know all of this? "This happened recently?"

"Yeah, just last week. She didn't tell you?"

"No." I reply slowly. "I had no idea about any of this."

"I'm sure she just didn't want to worry you." Bill casually shrugs. "It's a lot to take in at once."

I sigh to myself thinking back to the Riley situation. I should have told her from the start, but I didn't. I'm sure whatever is going on, Madison will tell me about it when she's ready.

"Yeah, I'm sure she'll tell me about it soon." I mumble to myself as my anxiety grows.

"Don't worry, Grayson." Bill stares down at me. "Madison loves you more than anything, she would never intentionally want to keep a secret from you."

I nod slowly as I try to lighten up my mood.

"We're going to be leaving for the airport in a little bit." Bill goes to walk back out of my room.

"Can't wait." I smile thinking of this upcoming weekend with Madison. I try not to let my mind wander off to my parents.

This is the first Thanksgiving I won't be with them. A part of me wants to call them, but I decide against the idea. Instead, I grab my cell phone and call Anthony. After three rings, he picks up.

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