thirty two

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Grayson's POV:

My eyes feel heavy and my head throbs as I push myself to walk down this long hallway. I wish I could go home and crawl into my bed, but I can't. Anthony is walking beside me, talking about this new protein shake he's been drinking. I barely make out anything he's saying. All I can focus on is how unfocused I am, and the day just started. I stop walking once Anthony reaches his destination.

"So, are we going back to the gym tonight?" He opens his locker and glances over to me standing next to him.

"Sure." I loudly yawn while rubbing my eyes.

"Dude, you look like hell." He shakes his head with an annoying sigh. "Let me guess, you didn't sleep?"

"I got a few hours in." I lean my head back against the set of lockers behind me and briefly close my eyes.

"What's a few?" He raises his eyebrow.

"Two." I mumble lowly, hoping he doesn't hear my answer.

"That's not healthy."

"What are you, a health coach now?" My eyes roll back as I cross my arms over my chest. "I'm fine."

"I don't think getting two hours of sleep each night is considered fine." He shuts his locker and swings his backpack over his shoulder.

"What are we going to do about the government essay?" I try to quickly change the subject, hoping he would drop the topic.

"Wait, that's real?" Anthony looks at me confused. "I thought that was the lie you told Bill."

"Mr. Bardot has been talking about it for the past week." I can't help but laugh at his stupidity.

"Shit, I completely zoned that out." He chuckles as we head to first period.

"Should we actually go to the library to look up sources?" I ask as we walk through the crowded hallway.

"Hell no." Anthony shakes his head. "We can just look it up on our own."

I groan lowly to myself as we enter the small classroom. I begin to walk toward my usual seat in the last row near the window, but I stop once I realize the seat is taken. A girl with strawberry blonde hair and dark green eyes glances up at me standing in front of her.

"Sorry, is this your seat?"

"Yeah, but it's fine." I motion for her to stay where she is. "Stay there."

"Are you sure? I can move." She starts to pick up her notebook.

"It's okay, really." I sit down in the seat behind her and pull my binder out of my backpack.

Anthony takes the seat next to me, moving one down from his usual spot.

The mysterious girl turns around to face me.

"I'm Riley. I just moved to town a few days ago." She poliety introduces herself.

"I'm Grayson." I lightly mutter. "And this is my friend Anthony." I point to the seat next to me. It still sounds so weird to actually call Anthony my friend. I would have never thought that would happen a few months ago.

"Hi." Anthony manages to say with an awkward grin.

"Nice to meet you." Riley sweetly smiles at him.

"So, where did you move from?" He asks. "Please don't say New York."

I shoot him a quick glare and shake my head. He's so annoying, but I can't help but chuckle at his ridiculous comment.

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