twenty one

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I flip through the newspaper that is placed on the kitchen table with a longing sigh. Trying to look for an interesting article to read, I place my elbow on the table and lean my chin on my palm for support. I hate when Grayson is at work. Since I don't have any other friends in this town, there is nothing else to keep me entertained while he is at the marina.

I glance up at the clock that is hanging above the stove. It's almost 4:30, which is usually when Grayson gets off. The noise of keys juggling from outside catch my attention as the front door opens. My father steps into the kitchen minutes later with a grocery bag in his hand.

"Hey honey." He greets me and places the bag on the table.

"You went shopping?" I look inside of the bag and begin to pull out items.

"I just ran up to CVS to get a few things."

I pull out some toothpaste and other toiletry products and look back up at my dad. "I would have went shopping with you."

"You must be really bored without Grayson." My father chuckles.

"Just a little." I smile sweetly.

"He should be coming home soon." My father looks at the clock. "You guys have any plans tonight?"

"None that I know of." I casually shrug.

"Madison, I'm a little worried about this relationship." He lets out a forceful sigh at his change of tone.

"What do you mean?" I have to admit I'm shocked my father said that. "Why?"

"It's almost August and you're going to be going home. I don't want you to get hurt, which is what I feared since the moment I found out about you and Grayson dating."

"Dad." I sigh and shake my head lightly. "Can we not talk about this."

"This is why I didn't want you to get involved with him." My father crosses his arms over his chest. "Both of you are gonna get your heart broken."

"No we aren't." I defend myself. "Grayson and I are perfectly capable of handling a long distance relationship. If I did it with Anthony, I can do it with him."

"I understand that, but it's going to put a strain on the two of you."

"It won't." I protest up at my father. "We can make it work."

"How do you know that for sure? I mean, what about college? That's eventually going to get in the way."

My stomach turns in knots at the words my father is speaking. I am not ready to face the reality of going home and leaving Grayson behind.

"I want to stay here with you." I sigh and begin to bargain with him.

"I wish you could." He sighs and sits down across from me. "But you can't. You need to go back home with your mother."

"I don't want to live with her." My eyes are begging at this point. "Why can't I just finish my last year of high school here."

"She would never allow that." My father looks down and continues on with his sigh. "You're lucky you're even able to come here in the summers."

"This is such bullshit." I mumble and angrily cross my arms over my chest.

"Maybe it would be best to end things with Grayson." My father calmly states.

"Are you serious right now?" I practically jump out of my seat at the kitchen table. "I would never do that. Grayson is the best thing that has ever happened to me. He makes me feel beautiful and safe and worth it. I would have never been able to survive this summer without him. I love him and he loves me and nothing can change that." I scoff down at him.

never be the same | grayson dolanOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant