twenty eight

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When the weathermen showed concern of a nasty rain storm heading our way, they weren't exaggerating. The loud rain pounding on the roof almost sounded like it was going to leak right through our ceiling.

Palm trees outside shook back and forth as the howling wind forcefully brushed through them. The rain didn't stop once throughout the day, it only got louder and stronger.

I was lucky enough to be as far away from outside as possible. My father was sitting in the kitchen, flipping through the newspaper. He was trying to find highlights from the baseball game last night.

Grayson and I are seated on the couch in the cozy living room. His arm wrapped around me as we watch reruns of Friends all day. It's just your typical Thursday night in the Parker/Dolan household. During a commercial break I turn and look at him.

"Want me to make some popcorn?"

"Sure, if you don't mind." He grins over to me.

"Not at all." I chuckle and stand up from the couch.

My father is so focused on the paper in front of him he barely notices I enter the kitchen. "You have been staring at that all day." I tease.

"I'm surprised they haven't printed anything about the Marlins." He finally removes his eyes from the table.

"Maybe they will tomorrow." I open the cabinet and begin to search for the popcorn.

"I hope so." My father sighs and stands up from his seat. "What are you looking for?"

"Popcorn, I know we have it somewhere."

He opens one of the cabinets when the ringing of his cellphone breaks him out of his search. He walks back over to the table to answer the call. "Hello?"

I look back over my shoulder to see who he is talking to.

"What? Right now?" He places his hand on his forehead and sighs. "Are you sure?"

I flash him a confused look as he briefly pauses.

"Yeah, okay. We'll be right there."

He quickly hangs up and walks into the living room where Grayson is sitting. "We need to go to the marina right now."

I follow my father and cross my arms over my chest as Grayson rises to his feet.

"Why?" He asks confused.

"There is a huge pipe burst in one of the boats, the entire thing is overflowing." My father walks over to the closet and throws on his raincoat. "Dan requested both of us be there with the rest of the staff to help restore and clean it up."

"Are you serious?" Grayson groans loudly. "It's downpouring out there, the weather is nasty."

"He doesn't care." My father shakes his head. "He said he'll pay us for cleaning everything up."

"What am I supposed to do?" I stand in between them with a sigh.

"Just stay here." My father looks back over to me.

I turn to face Grayson. "I don't want to be alone."

"You'll be fine, just make sure everything is locked." He kisses my forehead and walks over toward the front door.

"Dad, please." I beg. "Can't Grayson just stay here?"

"I'm sorry, sweetie but our boss asked for both of us to help out."

"We'll be back before you know it." Grayson flashes me a small smile.

I roll my eyes in annoyance and sit back down on the couch. "This sucks."

never be the same | grayson dolanWhere stories live. Discover now