Chapter 1-Kinda The First Day of School

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The first day of high school wasn't for another week, but students had been trickling into the school all day receiving their dorm assignments and familiarizing themselves with the large campus. Most of the teenagers were accompanied by parents or older siblings, but one girl walked alone carrying a backpack and a duffel bag. No parents or siblings accompanied her on her way to the school's front doors. Everything about the girl screamed ordinary, a normal backpack maybe a little old and worn-out but still functional, the duffel bag looked anything except new, and she wore a simple black sweatshirt with blue jeans. In fact, the only thing that would separate her from the crowd was a scar that crossed her face starting in the bridge of her nose and stretching down her cheek. She wore her long brown hair down allowing it to hang in front of the right side of her face partially obscuring her scar. If one were to look closely they would see the end of a scar poking out of her right sleeve, but it was mostly covered by her clothes like all the other scars the littered her torso and legs. It was no coincidence that she had no family but many scars; she had lost her family on the same day she gained the scars.

On that fateful day, her family had been attacked by assassins from the lunar army; the darkly clad soldiers had come in through doors and windows alike storming the house at midnight. She had been the only one awake, training despite the late hour determined to become a great war hero like her parents. The rest of her family had no time to react and grab weapons before sharp blades wielded by unforgiving souls had separated their heads from the bodies, however, when the masked warrior and leaped through her window she was able to defend herself by killing the assassin. When the other warriors arrived at her room, drawn in by the sounds of fighting, they attacked her all at once; it was five against one she had had no chance of winning. She barley managed to defend herself receiving multiple injuries from the attack. The lunar soldiers had set off silent alarms when they had broken into their house and reinforcements from the military base rushed in to find the dead bodies of her parents and brother while she was still barely fighting, covered in her own blood. The Solar soldiers made quick work of the lunar soldiers. She had passed out from fatigue and woken up in a hospital to the news that she was going to have to stay in an orphanage until she was eighteen. Only then could she inherit all of her family's possession. For now, she was an orphan forced to rely on others for the food she ate and the clothes on her back.

She entered the front doors of the school to see long tables set up in the entrance way. The tables had several adults seated behind them with letters of the alphabet in front of them. She walked towards the letter "S" and asked the adult seated there, "Is this where I find my dorm?"

The adult replied, "It sure is sweetie. What is your name?"

The girl responded, "Sarah Shireman," she fidgeted with the strap on her backpack while the adult sifted through the papers in front of her.

When she stopped the adult proclaimed, "Ah here we are Shireman. Wait you wouldn't happen to be related to the Shireman's, the legendary war heroes who died tragically this last summer," a pause with no response from the stricken teen, "are you?"

Sarah gave a noncommittal grunt as a reply. Her fidgeting grew worse as an uncomfortable silence stretched between the two. Finally, after what felt like an eternity the adult coughed uncomfortably and continued, "Here is your dorm assignment and your schedule. Here's a map and this is your dorm," the adult paused circling the room labeled d216 on the map before continuing, "You have a roommate like all other students, and she checked in earlier today."

Sarah muttered a "thanks" as she grabbed the papers with her free hand and searched the map. Ok d216. First, I must find the dorms. Then, the second floor and room 16. You can do this it's just meeting one person. What's the chance that the first two people you meet in high school will bring up your parents. She pushed open the door to her room with the key the adult downstairs had handed her with the rest of her papers. The dorm itself was unimpressive. The door opened into a main room that had a small bed in each corner farthest away from the door. There was a dresser on each wall and a desk on either side of the door. A door in the back between the two beds was slightly ajar and revealed a small bathroom with a sink, a toilet, and a shower. Sarah pocketed her key and set down her bags next to the dresser on the right since the bed on the left had a backpack propped up against it. She assumed that because her roommate had signed in earlier, she must be hanging out with her friends now. Sarah crouched next to the dresser and began putting her clothes away into the drawers. She only had her school uniforms, a plain black dress, workout clothes, and several pairs of jeans and t-shirts that matched her current outfit. As she stuffed her now empty duffel bag under the dresser, girl wearing a red flannel over a white shirt and blue jeans entered followed by smaller girl wearing glasses and the school uniform; a white button up shirt with a green tie, and a black skirt.

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