Chapter 11-They Might Not Actually Completely Hate Each Other's Guts

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Early in the morning, in an almost empty cafeteria, the tension at one table between two teens was so thick it could be cut with something sharp such as, say, a dagger like the one sitting between them. The few other students gave the pair a wide berth both because of rumors, but also because the were locked in an intense staring (glaring?) competition. The ate in silence, in fact, neither had said a word all morning. Both sat in stony-faced silence only broken by the sound of food being eaten. They broke eye contact only when the taller girl stood turning to get rid of her dishes only to be stopped by the other girl's lazy words, "I hope your not thinking of leaving without your escort, wolf."

"Really Nichole, it's like right there."

"Your choice, either you wait for me to finish or you get expelled."

Sarah grumbled, before sitting back down, "Just hurry up and eat your egg."

Nichole waved her fork, "Bad choice wolf. Every time you complain the slower I eat."

"How long does it take you eat to one egg for goodness sakes."

"Well maybe if you ate a more balanced meal rather than only meat you wouldn't finish so fast."

"Pardon me if I have been running around as a carnivore for the past several months."

"Your pardoned...only if you stop glaring at my egg like that."

"What else am I supposed to stare at?"

"My beautiful face."

"I really hope that was sarcasm because that," Sarah gestured toward Nichole's face, "is not pretty."

"Says you, Scarface."

"My scar is badass."

"According to who?"

Before Sara could retort, Taylor cleared her throat, "Do you two do anything accept except argue?"

The two looked at her in disbelief and scoffed in unison, "Of course."

Taylor raised her eyebrows, "Oh really?"

Sarah beat Nichole to answering, "Yeah. I was only arguing because someone takes 5 hours to eat one egg."

"I have not been eating this egg since midnight."

"Close enough."

"Maybe if you didn't scarf down your food like some wild animal, oh wait never mind that's a little beyond you isn't it."

Taylor interrupted them by setting down her plate with a "Clang!" Both teens glanced between each other and Taylor before hanging their heads in shame. "I told you all you do is argue."

Sarah snapped, "Well if your going to complain just go sit with Amy and Bryan."

"I would except they aren't up yet."

"I thought Amy was an early riser."

"She is, but not this early. Its five am for crying out loud. Speaking of which why are you two up so early."

Both Nichole and Sarah responded in unison, "I wouldn't be up so early if she didn't snore."

"Hey I don't snore."

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