Chapter 30-Found

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Sarah's ears perked up as she recognized the sound of running water. She and Nichole hadn't drunken any water since escaping from that Hell.

Sarah started trotting ahead on the trail, and an irritable Nichole shouted, "What!? Why are you running? Is there danger? God damnit! I wish I could speak wolf. Get back here! Sarah! I'm going to kill you!"

Sarah ignored her threats and continued running ahead breaking into a lope as the sound of water grew louder. When she arrived at the clear stream she gratefully began lapping up the water. She was parched.

Panting, Nichole arrived behind her, "All this running just for water? I'm not drinking that. Who knows what could be in it."

Sarah rolled her eyes. Have it your way.

Nichole stopped and stared at the water for a few seconds before cursing, "Screw it, I'm having some. I'm thirsty."

Sarah would have chuckled, but previous experience told her that it didn't carry through well in wolf form, so instead she opted to wag her tail.

Nichole scolded, "Oh, don't act so happy. If I get sick, I'm blaming you."

Whatever. Sarah ignored her and continued down the trail.

"Hey! Don't ignore me. I still don't understand why you won't transform back into a human. We found the trail now."

Sarah growled at the suggestion, and Nichole raised her hands in surrender, "Fine. Okay, make basic communication impossible."

Sarah ignored her, breaking into a lope again, forcing Nichole to do the same or be left behind. Nichole reluctantly started to run to keep up with Sarah's quick pace. Thanks to the quick pace, by nightfall they made it to a trail head. Nichole looked up at the map. They were at knifepoint ridge trail head, and the nearest town, Walden, was only 10 miles away.

Nichole turned to Sarah, "Good news. Walden is only ten miles away."

Distracted, Sarah absentmindedly nodded. She was studying the map. If she was right, Amy's farm should be near here. She barked to get Nichole's attention,

"What? Ugh whatever. I guess I'll just end up following since you refuse to transform so we can hold a proper conversation."

Sarah whimpered. She hated making Nichole mad, but she couldn't bear to turn into a human. Not when she felt stronger as a wolf. Not when she feared that being human meant more judgment. More torture. The emotional struggle that being human brought was too much for her right now. Everything was so much simpler as a wolf. If she wasn't scarred enough before. she would be now. Even if someone didn't know she was a werewolf, they would judge her human form based off of her scars.

Sarah turned and headed down a different trail, a trail that headed to wolf paw rock. From there she could make her way to Amy's farm, where hopefully, Amy's Uncle wouldn't murder her on sight.

Nichole followed her albeit reluctantly and shouted, "What in the world are you doing? You, crazy wolf! If we end up back in the middle of nowhere I am actually going to murder you Sarah!" Luckily, no one was around to hear her shout at a wolf.

Sarah walked down the path in respect to her weary limbs that she had temporarily forgotten were still injured. Nichole complained the entire time until they arrived at Wolf paw Rock.

Nichole kicked a rock miserably, "You've got to be kidding me. We're back in the middle of nowhere."

Sarah snorted. Nichole gasped as she looked up and recognized the large rock. "Wait. This is Wolf paw rock. You bloody genius. Lead on, and let's go back home."

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