Chapter 24-Making Amends

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In the morning, Sarah made her way to breakfast early trying to avoid everyone. Her sentiment from last night had faded. She wasn't ready to face Taylor and especially not Amy. Despite her wishes, Taylor and Amy joined her at her table.

Surprisingly, Amy broke the silence, "I'm sorry for insulting you yesterday Sarah. I'm just surprised. I guess I thought since you're in a human body that you are human. I forgot that what you look like is only part of the story."

Sarah shrugged, "It's fine." Sarah had her doubts about Amy's sincerity. The apology had sounded rehearsed almost forced. Taylor had probably pushed her to give it. Either way it didn't matter, Sarah didn't care the damage had been done and she had meant it in the moment. No apology could fix that.

Taylor pressed, "Listen, I appreciate you opening up last night even if it was sort of forced, but I know your still hiding something."

Sarah was about to ask, but Amy beat her, "How?"

Taylor explained, "Sarah doesn't like opening up, so if she told us that then that means she's hiding something bigger. She thought that we would stop asking questions if she gave us what she thought we wanted, isn't that right Sarah?"

In fact, Taylor was spot on, but Sarah wasn't going to let her know that, so she grunted noncommittally and continued eating.

Taylor sighed, "Fine, I'll be waiting when you finally want to tell me." Sarah smiled gratefully at Taylor then let her eyes drift around the cafeteria, only to stop when the spot the group from last night. Taylor noticed and looked over reading the jackets with a look of horror. Her jaw dropped, and she muttered, "oh."

Confused, Amy demanded, "'oh' what?"

Taylor pointed inconspicuously towards the group and Amy looked swearing, "Fuck, who are they?"

Taylor shrugged, "I don't know, but someone who wants to kill Sarah or get rid of her. Whatever 'wrangle' means."

Amy admitted, "I see why you were so freaked out. You can't exactly defend yourself with your leg like that."

Sarah began fidgeting with her free hand, "What freaks me out more is that they definitely know who I am, so I am trying to figure out what they're waiting for."

Taylor theorized, "Maybe for you to slip up, so they can look like the heroes instead of just murders."

Amy nodded, "Makes sense, set up a situation in which you lose control or even just act out like a normal human, probably in a crowded place with lots of observers. Then they will show up and take care of you, making themselves the heroes and getting rid of you. I wonder what they have against you."

Sarah snorted, "other than the teensy weensy little detail that I'm a werewolf. Someone in their family was probably killed by a werewolf, so they heard about me a 'tame werewolf' and were angered, for who would let a savage walk among the common people like a regular citizen. They probably caught wind of the fact that I have all the rights of a normal citizen, and were angered, so they got together some friends with similar sentiments and concocted a plan."

Taylor looked deep in thought pondering something, then she burst out, "The dance! The winter ball!"

Puzzled Amy clarified, "The next dance that the government is setting up to 'foster relationships in the time of strife.'"

Taylor nodded, "Yeah that."

Sarah tilted her head, "So...?"

Taylor laughed awkwardly, "Oh, right. It's the next crowded event with lots of observers. They probably expect you to go being a teen."

Sarah actually laughed, "You can't be serious. Considering my track record with dances, I wasn't even considering going."

Amy conceded, "But, with the rumors flying around that you and Taylor are dating" -Taylor and Sarah flinched- "they probably assumed that you would go with her. What? You thought I didn't know. I would have had to be living under a rock to not hear the rumors, especially after the scene in the cafeteria. Besides I know it's just a rumor...right?"

Sarah and Taylor both hastily responded, too hastily, "Right, of course nothing going on here." Amy raised an eyebrow, but let it go.

Instead she asked the obvious, "What should we do?"

Taylor shrugged, "Go to the dance, where everyone will be. That way they can't assassinate you, and if Sarah maintains control nothing will happen, and if she has a friend with her that should be easier."

Sarah nodded, "Hopefully. I will just have to work on it."

Amy sighed, "How do you expect to work on it, just put yourself in situations where you get angry and work on not getting angry?"

Taylor shook her head, "Of course not, she could practice transforming since that seems to take control over her wolf."

Sarah interrupted, "One problem, my leg."

Taylor groaned, "Right that. The dance is in 2 weeks, so it won't be healed by then."

Amy suggested, "We could just go with the tried and true strategy of winging it."

Taylor growled, "And gamble with Sarah's life."

"Well it's better than doing nothing."

"Forgive me, if I don't want my friend to die."

Sarah barked, "Enough. Don't argue for my sake. There's nothing we can do. I can go to the dance with Bryan," she ignored Taylor's protests, "He's strong enough to stop me with force if necessary, so then I won't attack anyone, and they can't kill me without being the bad guys and having the law chase them."

Amy relented, "Fine, I'll tell Bryan. I don't know if he will agree."

Sarah dropped her head, "Right, I shouldn't have presumed, sorry."

Amy shrugged, "It's fine. Ugh, I'm not looking forward to that dance."

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