Chapter 29-Lost

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Sarah blindly followed Nichole through the woods, focusing more on not falling instead of where they were going. Nichole stopped suddenly, and Sarah ran smack dab into her back.

Nichole stumbled slightly before turning to face Sarah, "I'm going to be honest I'm completely lost. Any ideas?"

Sarah shrugged.

Nichole sighed, "Please, just talk to me. I know I messed up, okay. I know my 'family' hurt you. And I know 'sorry doesn't fix it, but we're both going to die in these woods if you don't help."

Sarah asked, "Can you splint a wolf's leg?"

Surprised, Nichole replied, "Possibly. I mean I've never done it before, but I assume that the same principles apply. Why?"

"I can't help as a human, but maybe I can as a wolf."

"But, you're arm, it's not healed."

"Thus, the splint."

"Won't transforming injure it?"

Sarah shrugged.

Nichole gasped, "Fine. Whatever let me just remove your current splint, so I can use it on your wolf."

Sarah winced, as she removed her arm from the sling. She held her arm out to Nichole who removed the splint.

Exasperated, Nichole demanded, "Well, why aren't you shifting?"

In response, Sarah ducked behind a nearby tree.

"Hey! Where are you going? Oh... wait... never mind."

Transforming was as painful as ever, but Sarah didn't scream in agony like she first had, instead she accepted it as her bones broke and reformed into that of a wolf's. She limped out from behind the trees with what remained of her clothes left in her mouth. It took every once of self-control to remain still as Nichole attached the splint to her leg.

While doing so, Nichole grumbled, "So much for your other bandages they've all ripped now, so I guess we better hope we get back to civilization soon."

Sarah snorted in response trying to maintain control as hunger gnawed at her stomach and her wolf urged her to eat something, anything. Even the human in front of her. As soon as Nichole finished, Sarah dashed off into the woods giving in to her hunger and ignoring Nichole's protests. Sarah relied primarily on her instincts to hunt. She only reigned in her wolf once she had killed a large hare and devoured it. It didn't satisfy her hunger, but she knew eating too much at once would be bad, so she had to control herself. She began making her way towards Nichole before stopping and realizing Nichole would also be hungry. She tracked down another hare easily snapping its neck in her powerful jaws. She pranced proudly back to where Nichole was sitting in a small clearing sketching a crude shape in the dirt.

Once she noticed Sarah, she hurriedly rubbed it out with her shoe and turned to Sarah, outraged, "Why did you go running off like that? You scared me! I didn't know if you were ever coming back!"

Sarah whimpered in apology and dropped the dead hare at her feet as a peace offering.

Nichole scooted away from it, "Ew! Why did you bring that here?"

Sarah mimed eating it in an attempt to communicate.

Nichole glared at her, "But, it's raw. Are you trying to kill me?"

Sarah growled lowly. This idiot. I can't believe her. She paced before, in a last attempt, barking, 'fire.'

Nichole waved her hands exasperatedly, "What do you want from me Sarah I don't speak wolf?"

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