Chapter 6-The First Time Fighting

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Snowy jumped to her feet with a start. What was the loud noise that had woken her? Was that a human? What the heck was he saying, "YOU LET THE KIDS BRING A WEREWOLF HOME!? ARE YOU INSANSE? DO YOU WANT US TO GO OUT OF BUISNESS? Watch when I go outside, I'm going to see no livestock and no werewolf, just a bloody mess!" Why would I eat their livestock? That would be rude after they offered me a home if I want food I will just hunt. The front door slammed open and a tall heavyset man stormed out, "Where is that damned werewolf?" Now that's rude. I haven't done anything. Snowy laid her ears back and growled as the large man stomped down the stairs. Amy dashed out the door and stood in front of Snowy with her arms spread acting as a shield. What does Amy think she's doing? I can defend myself.

Amy pleaded, "Please uncle, Stop. She won't hurt you if you don't threaten her." She looked over her shoulder at snowy and added, "Isn't that right Snowy?" Snowy Stopped growling and stood up from her defensive crouch allowing her ears to raise again.

Bryan was in the doorway now, "Remember Snowy, follow the rules. Don't kill or destroy anything or anyone.

Uncle had stopped advancing, but he looked incredulously at the kids, "Did you forget what happened at the dance? Amy, you lost a roommate, and Bryan, you lost your dueling partner. Don't you remember the harm these beasts can do?" What happened at 'the dance'? And who was this Sarah? Their friend I guess, but what happened to her, and why do they hate me because of her?

Amy spluttered angry, "How dare you insinuate that I forgot about my best friend? Sure, she wasn't Taylor, but she was still my friend and now she's gone." Bryan moved to put a supportive arm around his sister.

"Come on Amy, let's go feed the cows." The sibling's walked towards the barn side by side. Bryan threw one last glare at his uncle, before calling to Snowy, "Come on, don't give uncle any more trouble," although his tone implied that he felt Uncle had been the one causing trouble. Snowy padded behind them as Bryan and Amy walked along a packed-snow path towards a large red barn. Bryan pulled open the door with a heave, pushing aside the fresh snow from last night. Amy walked into the Barn letting her arms fall at her sides from where they had been crossed. Snow paused at the threshold, but Bryan made a shooing motion with his hand as he began closing the door, so Snowy stepped inside and walked next to Amy. The barn door swung shut at Bryan's urging. Snowy spun around as a resounding "Crack!" echoed through the barn startling the cows, Amy, and Snowy. The sound had been caused by Bryan, who had punched the wall in anger.

Amy attempted to console him, "You know Uncle means best. He was just worried about the farm."

Bryan sighed and lowered his hand from where it was against the wall, "I know. It's just that it happens every time we do something new. We go to a high school with dorms and he freaks out. We get a dog with Aunties permission and her freaks. Yes, it's not normal to bring a werewolf home, but she acts just like a puppy, and I wasn't going to just leave a puppy in the middle of the woods."

Snowy growled at Bryan, and Sarah teased, "I don't think she likes being called a puppy," then she adopted a sing song tone, "Who's the good werewolf? Yes, you are. You're a ferocious beast who will defend us all." Snowy accepted the pat on the head, but the huffed and turned around. I think I will take being called a puppy over being treated like one.

Bryan laughed, "I may have called her a puppy, but that display was just insulting."

Defeated, Amy conceded, "Fine. Whatever. Let's just feed these cows." She walked to the other end of the barn, Bryan following behind. The two worked in silence as Snowy lay down by the barn door and 'supervised,' but she jumped up, hackles raised as the barn door began to open slowly. When the door revealed Auntie, Snowy relaxed and returned to her lazing giving one "Woof!" to signal Auntie's arrival. Bryan, closest to the door, looked up, "Hey, Auntie what are you doing out here?"

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