Chapter 34-Tension and Teaching

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Sarah remained silent throughout the dinner and tried to ignore the obvious tension in the air. Sophie and Ivy chatted, seemingly oblivious to the tension between the other occupants of the table.

Mr. Griffon attempted to start a conversation, "Are you going to take online school, Sarah?"

Sarah nodded and continued picking at the steak on her plate.

Violet, the traitor, had the audacity to pretend to care, "Excellent, I can help you get set up later if you want. I have a spare laptop you can use."

Sarah growled under her breath, "I don't need help from someone like you."

Taken aback, Violet appeared visibly shaken. However, Ivy was the first one to respond, snarling, "What do you mean Sarah?"

Lacking enhanced hearing, Sophie hadn't heard Sarah's comment, "What are you talking about?"

Sarah didn't reply, after all she wasn't sure Violet's origins counted as a secret, but either way she wasn't going to spill. She may despise Violet, but she didn't want the rest of the family to get in trouble. Even if they might deserve it for harboring a king-killer under their roof.

At the awkward silence that followed, Sarah pushed back her chair, "Thanks, for dinner, but I'm going to leave now."

Mr. Griffon looked up, "Leave where? You haven't even touched your food."

Sarah shrugged, "Wasn't hungry."

Violet called out, "But you haven't eaten all day," as Sarah exited the kitchen and making her way back to the bedroom.

She slipped on her, rather Amy's shoes and left out the back door. She broke into a ran as she passed the tree line. She ignored everything, the pain of her injuries, the flurry of emotions that threatened to explode, and the harsh reality that she had to live and make peace with one of them. She replaced it all with the steady, normal, rhythm of her feet pounding along the trail. She didn't care if she was being loud. She wasn't trying to be stealthy. She wished she could just transform and be done with humans in general. Why couldn't she just live as a wild wolf? Life would be so much easier. Stupid injured arm. She sighed and slowed to a halt as the trail she was following disappeared.

Sarah paused at where the trail stopped. She hesitated before slowly making her way through the thick foliage. After a few steps, she ran into a fence. Must be the edge of the property. Sarah spun around and made her way back to the trail. As she began running back to the house, the peace and quiet she had found vanished as her stomach rumbled and she remembered that she still needed to eat. She dreaded having to go back into the house to get food. She would have to face Violet. How she was expected to share a roof with a traitor like her was beyond Sarah. Why was Mr. Griffon even with her? It made no sense. She was a traitor to the true king. Rebels like Violet had risen and attack the king's predecessors hundreds of years ago, solely because he was a dictator. So, what? He was a dictator, He was elected by the people and an elected council helped him make educated decisions. The system had worked for generation until the lunar rebels rose against him starting a war that had lasted for generations.

Sarah slowed again as she reached the house. She stayed on the fringes of the woods listening for voices coming from the house. She didn't hear any so she darted inside the house attempting to be stealthy. Unfortunately, the house was home to werewolves and the door screeched quite atrociously. Sarah winced and shut it quickly. She slipped her shoes off and quickly and quietly made her way down the hallway to the room, only to be stopped by Mr. Griffon.

A High School Werewolfजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें