Chapter 37- A Cliff

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*suicide warning*

Sarah's anger and hurt-driven run carried her to a familiar trail. The trail with loose footing and a sheer cliff to one side. The trail where Taylor almost died. Taylor, she would probably miss Sarah, but then at least she could get over her stupid crush for Sarah. Sarah looked over the edge of the cliff, unfazed by steep drop into a deep fast-moving river. If the fall didn't kill her, the river certainly would. Experimentally, Sarah picked up a rock and threw it over the edge. The stone flew through the air for several seconds before Sarah could barely make out a distance plop as it landed in the river. Sarah stepped closer to the edge, her feet right next to it, one wrong move and she would fall. But, that's what she wanted, wasn't it? Sarah knew it was for the best. Nobody would have to deal with her again, so why was she hesitating?

She muttered under her breath, "It's for the best," as she steeled herself to jump.

One leg lifted, her eyes closed, Sarah breathed in deeply and jumped, back from the edge, as a voice from the woods startled her, "Sarah! Stop! Don't do it!"

Sarah turned to face the source of the voice, "Ivy?"

Ivy answered, "Yes, look, Sarah, I'm sorry, just please step away from the edge." When Sarah didn't move, she continued, "I'm sure your friends would miss you."

Sarah scoffed, "What friends?"

Ivy grasped at straws, she really didn't know anything about Sarah, "The one you lent you clothes?"

"She hate's me because I'm gay and her best friend has a crush on me."

Ivy gestured exasperatedly, "The person who has a crush on you wouldn't want you to die?"

Sarah shrugged, "She'll survive."

Frantic, Ivy blurted, "I don't want you to die."

This gave Sarah pause, "But you hate me?"

"That doesn't mean I want you to die."

Sarah looked unconvinced.

Ivy continued, "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you killed yourself because of something I said in a fit of rage."

Sarah retorted, "Don't worry it's not because of you that I want to die."

Ivy pleaded, "Please step away from the edge and come over here."

Sarah stood, unmoving, "No."


"Why what?"

"Why do you want to kill yourself?"

Sarah explained, "Because I'm a murderer, a burden, and never do anything right."

Sarah turned to face the sedge, and Ivy rushed to stop her, "You're not a murderer."

"I killed four men when I was a wolf."

"Because you didn't have anyone to help you when you were turned."

Sarah paused, "What do you mean?"

Ivy hurried to explain, "When someone is transformed into a werewolf, it is easier for them to regain their mind if they have someone to guide them through it, like my mother did with my father."

"Your father was turned?"

Desperate to keep Sarah occupied until she calmed down, Ivy answered honestly, "Yes, my Mom turned him when he found out what she was. He wanted to be like her. In the lunar kingdom werewolves are not uncommon they help those who have been bitten instead of killing them."

Sarah stuttered in disbelief, "T-they don't hate werewolves there?"

Ivy reassured her, "No, they don't. They see werewolves as just another disease that has a cure, so they help the wild ones they find regain their minds."

Sarah fell to her knees dumbstruck. The traitors of the lunar kingdom were more accepting of werewolves then her own people. There were people who didn't hate her for being a werewolf. After months ff first bullying from her classmates and then torture from Nichole's horrible family, all on account of being a werewolf, Sarah couldn't believe a society existed where they were accepted. Sure, she had met the Griffons, but had never seen one turn into a wolf. But, Ivy spoke of a world where she would have been helped instead of exiled. Ivy took advantage of Sarah's revelation to wrap her arms tightly in an embrace to ensure she wouldn't jump. Slowly, Ivy lead the broken girl back to her house.

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