Chapter 42-Trying to be a Friend

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Sarah closed the plain notebook that Violet had given to her. It was a simple college ruled notebook that Ivy never used for school and had been collecting dust on a shelf. Well, now it was more than that, despite the non-descript appearance. She set it under the laptop which she closed before getting up and heading to the kitchen where the front entrance way was.

Ivy heard Sarah's footsteps and immediately looked up when Sarah entered the room. She kicked off her shoes before acknowledging her, giving Sarah a chance to speak first.

"H-Hey Ivy."

Sarah's stutter gave away her nervousness, but Ivy pretended not to notice, "Hey Sarah."

Sarah's gaze drifted from Ivy to the figure standing behind her. "Hey Sophie."

Sophie gave a small wave before returning to fiddle with her laces.

An awkward silence followed, but Ivy broke it, "Sophie and I are going to do homework, but I suppose you could come to. It might help you with your school work too."

Sarah shook her head, "No, I won't bug you."

Ivy nodded before passing her on her way to her room. Sophie followed shortly after pausing slightly in front of Sarah as if to say something, but she continued on. Sarah sighed; this was going to be hard. Instead of awkwardly following the pair she decided to walk through the kitchen to the stairs. She climbed dup the flight of stairs and turned into the hallway. She didn't know what was in all the rooms, and she wasn't inclined to invade the Griffon's privacy to find out, but one day when she wondering she found a room that was unlocked. It was a seemingly empty room, only used to store a few boxes, but it had a skylight that Sarah liked to look out of. She found it relaxing just to lay in there and enjoy the view. She would have gone outside, but the forest would have been too tempting, and the last thing she needed to do was transform and lose control again.

Sarah sighed and relaxed as she let the warmth of the sun wash over her. It was nice to just enjoy the solitude. Strange since she spent so much time alone these days. Soon her zoning-out led her to drift into a light sleep.

"Sarah... Sarah... where are you?"

Sarah jumped up with a start form the floor to see Sophie standing in the doorway. She relaxed and apologized, "Sorry, what were you looking for me for?"

Sophie stared quizzically at Sarah, "Wha- uh, me and Ivy were just looking for you. We finished are homework and I though maybe you'd want to come and play a game with us?"

Sarah shrugged, "Sure, what game?"

Sophie shrugged, "I don't know we haven't decided yet, want to come help us choose?"

Sarah nodded and followed Sophie back down the stairs. Why would Sophie want her to join them? Sarah barely knew her. Huh weird. She must just be friendly.

They saw Ivy in the kitchen and Sophie called out, "I found her."

Ivy looked up, "Oh, good."

Sarah huffed slightly, "Don't sound too excited."

Ivy had the decency to look ashamed, "Sorry, I'm just distracted."

"By what?" Sophie cut in.

"Just stupid teenage girl drama." Ivy muttered, walking towards her room.

Sophie followed right behind. "Like what. Normally you tell me all your stupid teenage girl drama."

"Normally, it doesn't involve a guy."

Sarah couldn't help scoffing. Oooh, such problems. There's a guy. Whatever shall she do?

Ivy was forced to ignore Sarah as Sophie barraged her with questions. "Who was it? What happened? Was he hot? Was it Trevor?"

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