Chapter 17- 'Bout Time Something Went Right

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Sarah hadn't seen hide nor hair of Nichole all day, and that hurt. Was she really so insignificant that Nichole couldn't bother to stop by once? What could be more important? Probably anything. Sarah wished more than anything just to have someone to talk to. Yes, Taylor was here, but she couldn't talk to her about herself and Nichole.

Taylor broke Sarah's reverie, "How's your shoulder?"

Sarah grunted, "Fine," but at Taylor's hurt expression she half-heartedly joked, "just another scar. No biggie. It'll match the bite."

Taylor apologized, "I'm sorry I didn't grab you a long sleeve shirt. I know you like those better. I just grabbed whatever from your dresser. I didn't even know you owned a tank top."
Sarah brushed off Taylor's concern, "It's fine. No really it is. It's probably for the best, because of my shoulder. And that makes two of us; I didn't know I had a tank top either." That elicited a small chuckle from Taylor, and Sarah found that for some reason Taylor's laughter made her feel better. Weird. Now that the tension was broken, conversation flowed freely between the two, as they talked about nothing in particular. They complained about school and boys. Sarah joked that she would almost be glad if she didn't have to go back to school. Almost.

But, Idle conversation could only last so long, and Taylor finally asked something that had been bugging her, "I don't understand Sarah. How did you end up all the way out at John's hunting cabin? And more importantly how did you end up with several fractured ribs?"

Sarah sighed, "Long story short, I was mad. I ran away because I'm a coward, and then curiosity got the better of me. I picked up John's scent and was trying to figure out why he was in the middle off the woods when we had school. He saw me, then, he chased after me on his bike. I was following my own trail back to the school because I was disoriented, and apparently, I went on a trail that ran along a cliff. He caught up on the open ground, and threw his spear at me, knocked me off the cliff. Then I limped home."

"So, your telling me that after being hit with a barbed spear that was yanked out and falling off a cliff you limped for like what was it 24 miles back to the school?"

Sarah shrugged, cowering under Taylor's piercing stare, "Yes?"

Taylor huffed and sat back in her chair, "Stupid werewolf abilities." Sarah just sat there awkwardly, before Taylor continued all annoyance gone, "Thank god for those stupid werewolf abilities or I wouldn't have my," She hesitated ever so slightly before saying, "best friend." Sarah noticed Taylor's face fall slightly at the word, friend, but she didn't mention it. Silence filled the remaining time until a man in a black suit, the same one as before, entered.

He checked his watch again before clearing his throat, "As it is now precisely 7pm, would you please come with me, Sarah." His monotone voice carried throughout the now empty lobby, and Sarah stood up, Taylor following suit, but the monotone cut her off, "Just Sarah, unless you are family." Taylor still followed them out the door but turned down the sidewalk while the man gestured with his briefcase to get in a black car. Sarah sat in the car, surprised by how tidy the interior was. It smelled of cleaner, and the leather seats were spotless. She didn't feel like she belonged. She had never been somewhere so, pristine, and rich. The car obviously cost money, and as the man drove towards the courthouse, Sarah sat awkwardly touching as little of the seat as possible, not wanting to get it dirty. They stopped at the courthouse, and Sarah stepped out of the car, following the man up the marble staircase. She slouched and fidgeted uncomfortable with all the stares she was receiving. Of course, they would stare. Never seen a bandaged and scarred person. Normally only the scar on her face was visible, but due to the tank top, her bite, the shoulder wound (bandaged), a long scar on her left arm as well as several shorter ones on her right arm were all visible. She nervously rubbed her left arm with her right hand. Inside the building was no better; a bunch of fancy business people stared at her. She stood out in her black tank top and sweatpants amongst all the suits and formal dresses.

Her fidgeting only grew worse as she heard mutters, "That's the werewolf."

"What happened to her?"

"Why is she covered in scars?"

"Look, it's the bite."


"There, on her shoulder."

Sarah kept her face down, her hair falling down in front of her face. She had never before found the white marble floor more interesting. She followed the man into a large room. Wooden benches line the side and there was a chair next to a tall podium where a severe looking man with a beard stood. The man stopped at the front of the benches, so Sarah did to, but he droned, "Go on up to that chair that's where you will stand trial." Sarah obeyed and sat down on the wooden stool. All the business men and women filed in through smaller doors on each side, but her attention was drawn to the main doors when a handcuffed John, led by two officers, entered.

The doors slammed shut and the stern man raised his hand for silence, "Everybody quite down. We are here today to determine the fate of Sarah Shireman, the first tame werewolf. The first rules placed upon her were much to strict for a teenager to follow, so we have gathered her today to discuss her fate. First, if you would please, Sarah tell us what happened yesterday after school."

Sarah recounted the events, not skipping a single detail. She told exactly what had happened, even including her intentions of running away. No reaction from the business man. The remained stone faced as she finished, and John was led up to tell his side. John didn't dare lie, but he made sure to include how much he thought of Sarah as now more than a, "mangy mutt that should be put down."

When both teens had finished the stern man determined, "Based off of these accounts I believe that we should allow Sarah to return to school, without an escort or any extra strings attached. Any comments?"

Sarah expected an uproar, but they all remained stone-faced except for one man who stood and practically shouted, "Have you all lost your minds? That girl who stands up there is a savage. She is a werewolf. Have we all forgotten what werewolves can do? They can kill. She has killed. She is a murder we should be deciding her punishment not whether or not she gets to go to high school."

The first outrage triggered another, "How can you say that about a teenage girl? She is only 15 and she has been through more than any of us here. I say that we should let her live as normal a life as possible. She should be treated like any other orphan. Yes, she's a werewolf, but since she has regained her memories she has acted like a human. She still is a member of the community and should be treated as such."

Another business person added, "Have we all forgotten that she saved the school last year? She saved the high school from Shadowspawn. She may have gotten bitten in the process, but we should be regarding her as a hero, not as a rabid dog."

More responses echoed that statement, "Call her a werewolf, but give her the rights of a human." Sarah stood in awe. She couldn't believe how many people were supporting her. They believed that she wasn't a monster. After a month of non-stop bullying and prejudice she couldn't believe that people actually supported her.

When the voices died down the stern man raised his hand again for silence, "It has been decided. Sarah will receive normal citizenship, but she will legally be considered a werewolf. She will be treated like any other orphan, teenager, and student. Case closed."

Applause erupted in the room only marred by the unhappy faces of the first man and John. The man led Sarah out, but a small smile ghosted his face. When Sarah exited the court house, Taylor ran up the stairs. She enveloped Sarah in a hug, urgently asking, "What did they decide? Do I still have my best friend?"

Sarah laughed wincing only slightly from Taylor's tight hug, "Yes, I'm officially a normal citizen. Legally I'm still a werewolf, but I have all the rights of a normal human." Taylor's hug increased, and Sarah wheezed, "I can't breathe Taylor."

Taylor jumped back sheepishly, "I'm sorry, but I'm just so happy. I can't believe it. It' about time something went your way."

Sarah just laughed, pulling Taylor into another hug. But, happy moments can only last so long. A cruel voice traveled across the wind, so low only Sarah could hear it, "Celebrate while you can little werewolf. You may have one a battle, but the war isn't over." Sarah shook her head, she would worry about ominous voices later, for now she was just happy to celebrate with Taylor.

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