Chapter 10-Kind the First Day of School Round 2

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Sarah entered the dorm after Nichole, who promptly face planted on her bed ignoring Sarah completely. At first glance the room seemed identical to the one she had shared with Amy last year, but further inspection revealed that the dressers already had clothes in them and each desk had a small pile of books on them. Each bed had a backpack propped against it, one plain black and the other a dark blue personalized with a dagger strapped to one side. What is with this girl and her daggers? Sarah sighed. Not like I can run or workout with my feet, so I might as well read a book. Sarah walked over to her desk and picked up the book from the top, The Howling Moon, and kicked off her shoes before mirroring Nichole's position and laying on her bed reading. After a few chapters, Sarah realized that the book was about a werewolf. Is this some kind of twisted joke? Really, give the werewolf a book about a werewolf. I guess its actually a decent book even if it portrays werewolves totally wrong. Artistic liberties am I right. Both Sarah and Nichole jumped off their beds at the same time startled by a knock on the door. Both awkwardly stood up from there battle-ready crouches, and Nichole broke the silence, "We never speak of this. Got that wolf?"

Sarah grumbled, "Yeah, yeah, whatever, just get the door."

Nichole spun around glaring at Sarah, "Who do you think YOU are ordering ME around?"

Sarah threw her hands up in surrender, "Fine, I'll get the door." She opened the door to reveal Taylor. Nichole attempted to look over Sarah's shoulder to find who was at the door but failed as Sarah is several inches taller than her.

Nichole settled for attempting to shove Sarah out of the way and ordering, "Get out of the wolf. Let me see who's at the door." After resisting Nichole's initial shove, Sarah moved to one side, much to Taylor's confusion.

Upon making eye contact, both girls turned to Sarah demanding, "Who is this?"

Sarah gestured, "Taylor, Nichole. Nichole, Taylor."

Taylor spoke before Nichole, "Why did you call Sarah, wolf? She has a name. Why did you let her call her wolf? I would think that you would just punch her. And who the heck is she?"

Sarah sighed before answering Taylor's barrage of questions, "One, she called be wolf because I am one. Two, I let her because I can't attack her without being expelled and put in a mental hospital. Three, she's my guard. Well a guard for everyone else from me. I'm not allowed to go anywhere without her."

Taylor retorted, "You are not a wolf. You are a human. Let me get that in your head. You. Are. Not. A. Wolf. Also, mind explaining to me what exactly happened when the cops dragged you away?"

Before Sarah could respond, Nichole interjected, "As much as I love hearing two friends argue, I'm going to make this short and sweet. Your friend here isn't human she is a werewolf, and a dangerous one. She has already killed three men and beat up one gang leader. I have the unpleasant task of having to escort her around. I mean, I already have to move a lot because I have a military family, but seriously assigning me to be a werewolf's guard is liking asking for me too be a social outcast. Anyhow, if wolf here makes one mistake she gets expelled, and if she fails any of her classes she has to take freshman classes instead of sophomore classes."

Taylor opened her mouth to respond, but Sarah was already spitting at Nichole, "Don't blame me for making you a social outcast, it's not my fault the Jury decided that because I had the unfortunate luck to be bitten by a werewolf and that I all of a sudden have no rights and am legally a different species."

"Don't pull the 'woe is me' card on me. Have you had to be torn from your friends just because your father is needed in a different battle across the country? No, I don't think so. Have you moved to a new town only to find out that your new full-time job is to guard a werewolf, who you learned is capable of murder? No. So don't pull the pity card."

"You don't know anything about me. As a matter of fact, yes, I do know what its like to be torn from my friends. The rest of my family fought in the military, so I grew up alone with no friends or family. Maybe I didn't find out that I have to guard a werewolf, but I still have to be that damned werewolf. Yes, I have killed. Do you even consider how much I hate the fact that I have? I wasn't in my right mind when I murdered those men. And you can't talk to me about pulling the pity card when you did the same, so let me ask you this: Do you ever think about anyone except your own selfish butt? Do you even consider what others have to go through, or do you just assume that your life is always the worst?"

Nichole stood there flabbergasted, not having expected Sarah to stand up to her. Taylor shuffled her feet awkwardly, "I'm just going to go. Um, I'll see you around Sarah." She waved goodbye and disappeared down the hall."

Nichole and Sarah stood there for several minutes just staring at each other. Daring the other person to make the first move.

Finally, Nichole broke the eye contact, closed the door and barked, "Just go sit down like a good wolf and stop causing a ruckus."

Sarah stood her ground, unwilling to submit. Her wolf dominance was backing up her human stubbornness, both instincts working together, "No."

Nichole turned to face her, "What did you say, wolf?" She spat out the word, wolf, like it was a poison.

"Are you deaf as well as stuck-up? I said no. N. O. As in no, I will not listen to you because you may be my guard, but that's a joke because I could beat you up without breaking a sweat. I'm going to follow the rules simply because despite having a bad lot in life right now I still want to fight and defend my country."

"You're kidding me, right? YOU, fight for OUR country. You've got to be insane. You realize that at the first opportunity they're shipping you out of here, right? Everyone is scared of you. Heck, even I'm scared of you. You think I don't know that you could beat me up, because I do. I know that even before you were a werewolf you were a force to be reckoned with, but the adults just see us as teenagers, or rather, me as a teenager, and you as a werewolf. So, forgive me If I'm not to enthused to find out that for the rest of high school I have to spend every second with a monster who is also a murder and a highly skilled fighter."

Sarah turned her head in shame and muttered, "Sorry. I shouldn't have let my temper get the better of me." If Nichole heard her she gave no sign and just returned to her previous position on her bed. And, we're back to not talking. The rest of the week passed much to slowly for both Nichole and Sarah. Taylor tried to come and hang out with Sarah, but every time the tension grew to much and she left. Sarah's feet still weren't healed, so she couldn't workout, much to her chagrin, however, that didn't stop Nichole from dragging her down to the training room so that she could practice. Sunday left both wondering how they would survive another day in each other's presence.

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