Chapter 5-The First Human Interaction

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She had been hunting for food when she had caught a whiff of a familiar scent. Why was the scent familiar? She didn't recognize it. It wasn't a deer's, hare's, or squirrel's scent. It wasn't her scent, and it wasn't the forests scent. It wasn't another wolf's scent so why it was so dang familiar. It reminded her of home. But that couldn't be. Werewolves don't have homes, or families. All they do is eat, drink, and survive. She had been hunting day after day for the sole purpose of surviving. She did not pay attention to the time passing, but she was aware it had gotten colder, and food was scarcer. She had been tracking this strange 'home' scent, when she spotted a small herd of humans. She did not know how she knew what they were, but they were definitely the source of the scent.

The humans were speaking and for some reason she could understand them. The girl was saying to the boy, "Why are we out here again?"

The boy gruffly responded, "You know why we're out here. We're looking for that damned sheep that escaped." The werewolf perked up at the mention of sheep. Sheep were tasty. She stalked forward determined to figure out why these humans smelled like home, while cursing her brown fur that stood out against the white snow. The humans continued forward, and the werewolf followed. The smell was so familiar it made her happy and giddy, which was strange. Since when were werewolves giddy? The boy turned around stamping his feet, "Come on Amy, were going to freeze if we stay out here and-" he stopped short as he caught sight of a flash of brown fur. "Wait, I think I see something."

The girl, Amy, retorted, "Does it look like I'm going anywhere?" The boy approached where the werewolf was. When he got close, instead of attacking like she should, for some reason, completely out of character for a werewolf, she jumped up and started licking his face.

Th boy attempted to shove her off, but she weighed too much, "Mind giving me a hand Amy?"

Amy stood shocked, "Bryan, that- that's a werewolf! You just got attacked by a werewolf!"

"Are you crazy Amy? This is no werewolf it's just a lost dog. Otherwise, would it have leapt up and licked my face?"

"Ok, that does seem weird but look at the size of it." The werewolf moved off Bryan and stood up revealing that she was the size of a lion.

"Holy Cow! So, if she's a werewolf, why is she acting like a puppy?" The werewolf wagged her tail as Bryan pet her head. Amy still stood hesitantly back. "Look I get that you're scared Amy because of what happened with Sarah at the dance, but she was my friend too." Sarah. Why does that name ring a bell in my head? I don't understand. Why do these human's smell so familiar? I feel like I'm missing something obvious here, but what?

Amy sheepishly kicked the snow, "Yeah, I know she was your friend too. I just still miss her. She fought when the rest of us were panicking like idiots, and she paid the ultimate price."

"No she didn't, she's still alive"

"Even so she's a werewolf. She's not my friend anymore."

"I think it would be a wise idea to not insult werewolves in front of a werewolf."

"Don't kid yourself, brother. She's just an animal."

"Do you really believe that?" Amy nodded. Bryan continued, "Watch. Can you understand what we are saying?" The werewolf could understand them and to show confirmation she copied the girl's motion of nodding her head. Bryan smirked victoriously at his sister.

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