Chapter 9-So What Now?

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Sarah spent the night outside, not because she had anything against Taylor, but because as soon as she had closed her mouth after losing her temper she had immediately regretted it. Why did I yell at the only person who could stand to be around me? She probably hated me and never wants to see me again. But she did invite me inside. But I yelled at her when she obviously was too tired to think straight. I'll just go inside and tell her that I should leave and thank her for putting up with a monster like me. I'll just apologize and leave. Sarah stood wincing as her raw feet supported her weight She walked to Taylor's back door and opened it, pausing at the threshold, before finally walking in and immediately realized that she had no idea how to find Taylor's room. Correction, her human side had no idea how to find Taylor's room. Her wolf side on the other hand simply followed her scent, harder to do in a human body, but along with her physical strength it appeared that her sense of smell had also improved. She entered Taylor's room to find that she had, as she said, set up a bed for Sarah. Taylor was sleeping soundly on her bed. Why is she still sleeping I though she would be an early riser? Oh, wait its only 4:30 am according to Taylor's alarm clock. I'll just wait until she wakes up. Sarah grabbed a book from one of Taylor's many bookshelves before sitting down on the makeshift bed.

Engrossed in the book, Sarah didn't even notice that Taylor was awake until she asked groggily, "Sarah, what are you doing her? Wait how are you here? How are you human?" Sarah jumped slightly at Taylor's slightly panicked questions before watching confusion shift to understanding than shock as she remembered the previous evening's events.

Taylor opened her mouth to speak but Sarah beat her to it, "I'm sorry Taylor. I'm sorry for what I said last night. I'm sorry for burdening you with my presence. I'm going to leave now, don't worry you don't have to deal with a monster anymore." Taylor sat there stunned by Sarah's apology. Sarah looked sadly up at Taylor before standing up and leaving, the book sitting abandoned on the bed. Sarah failed to stop tears from streaming down her face as she left the house at a run. It's for the best Sarah now all you have to do is turn into a wolf again and no one will have to deal with you again. Sarah ignored the pain of her feet breaking open and bleeding again and tried to transform again. She tried everything, pretending to need to be a wolf, commanding herself to transform, and letting her wolf instincts take over, but to no avail. She remained a human. A bloody tear-stained human, but still a human. She collapsed down to her knees and screamed at nothing, "Why won't you just let me be a wolf. All I am is a useless human. Let me leave this world behind, and just be a mindless wolf. What kind of punishment is this? Why won't you let the rest of the world be free from me?"

Sarah continued to sit there sobbing and cursing at nothing when a very out-of-breath and angry Taylor arrived, "Sarah. Are you Crazy?! You can't just say something like that and run away. You're my friend not a monster or a burden. So just come back to my house and we will sort something out. We will file a case for the court to review addressing the fact that you're alive and human again." When Sarah didn't move, she added, "Please."

Sarah turned to look at Taylor, "But, why? I'm a monster. And I said all those horrible things to you yesterday."

Taylor extended her hand to Sarah, "Because, I'm your friend. I don't care if you're a werewolf, it's awesome. Sure, you lost your temper you just been through a lot, and I lost my temper first. I was the one who let jealousy speak before common sense."

Sarah accepted Taylor's hand before giving her a grateful smile and muttering, "Thanks." Taylor pulled Sarah into a tight hug. Sarah slowly returned the hug and pulled the smaller girl closer to her muscular frame.

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