Chapter 36-Not Family

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As Ivy was finishing on the computer, Sarah standing awkwardly several feet behind her, Mr. Griffon stuck his head in the room, "Dinner in five minutes."

Ivy called over her shoulder, "Thanks Dad."

Sarah nodded.

Once her Dad left, Ivy closed the tabs and glared at Sarah, "you could at least show some respect for my Dad since he, for someone crazy reason, decided it would be a good idea to adopt a miserable judgmental person like you."

Ivy strode out of the room before Sarah could respond. Sarah dug the heel of her palms into her forehead. Why did she even bother? No one wanted her here anyways. She should just leave. A voice in the back of her head said, "Oh and break another rule, and cause more trouble. Sure, do that, because your just so good at being a worthless burden just like Ivy said."

Mr. Griffon shout of "Sarah! Dinner!" broke her out of her trance and she raced down the hall to not hold up the Griffon's. When she sat down at the table, she received a glare from Ivy.

Ivy mumbled, "Finally," despite it only being a few seconds.

Violet heard her and scolded, "Ivy!"

Ivy mumbled an apology in a monotone. Violet looked unimpressed but didn't push it. The dinner Mr. Griffon had prepared consisted of chicken alfredo with a Caesar salad. Sarah picked at her food, not hungry. The felt Mr. Griffon staring at her, so she ate quicker not wanting to arouse more suspicion.

Mr. Griffon broke the silence, "Tomorrow is Monday, so we all have work and school Sarah. I trust that you will be fine home alone. We can also look into online schooling tomorrow if you want."

Sarah nodded, adding "That sounds good, thank you," in an effort to appease Ivy. It didn't work.

Violet offered, "I could take the day off tomorrow and help Sarah get set up, if she doesn't want to be alone."

Sarah scoffed, she glared at the traitor, "I would rather be alone then be alone with you."

Both Mr. Griffon and Ivy glared daggers into Sarah, while Violet sat in shock and surprise. Mr. Griffon barely contained his temper, "Leave this table now and go to your room. I have been lenient so far, but I refuse to ignore this blatant hatred for my wife. Consider yourself grounded. We will discuss this tomorrow when I'm not tempted to tear you to shreds."

Sarah, sensing the anger rolling off the Griffons, retreated quickly to her room feeling only slightly regretful. She slid to the floor next to the bed. Sarah didn't understand how they expected her to accept Violet. She was a god damn traitor from the Lunar Kingdom. The lunar Kingdom which had assassinated her parents and almost herself. The lunar kingdom that had started an unnecessary war that lasted for generations. The king was a kind and benevolent ruler anyone could see that. Sure, Violet herself had only been nice to Sarah despite her attitude, but she was from the lunar kingdom. She was probably just playing nice so she could finish the job her comrades started years ago. After all, why wouldn't she want her gone. Sarah hadn't been nice to her or her family. All Sarah had done was barge into their life and disrupt the peace they had. As peaceful as they could be housing an illegal immigrant and being a family of werewolves. How ere they all werewolves, anyways? How had that happened? Sarah fell asleep like that, sitting in the floor with her back against the bed.

She woke suddenly to the sound of knocking on her door and she let to her feet, groggily asking, "Who is it?"

She heard Mr. Griffon's deep voice from the other side, "Come out we need to talk."

Sarah obeyed and opened the door. She was met with the looming figure of Mr. Griffon, his normally kind complexion shrouded by anger. She cowered back from him, but he grabbed her arm roughly. She half-followed half-was dragged to the kitchen where Mr. Griffon shoved her into a chair. Violet was seating across the table, and Mr. Griffon joined her there.

Mr. Griffon seemed to steady himself by taking a deep breath in and then exhaling, before starting, "Listen, Sarah I know you were raised with a prejudice against Lunars, but you cannot go around blatantly insulting my wife simply because of her nationality." Unconvinced, Sarah simply shrugged. He continued, "I am not asking you to stop hate your parents' murders or the lunar kingdom who you view has the enemy, when the actually have a valid point... Anyways, that's not the point here. I'm asking you to set aside the prejudice you have when it comes to wife because she has been nothing but kind to you despite your uncivilized behavior." Sarah realized Mr. Griffon was looking to her for a response, so she nodded half-heartedly.

Mr. Griffon's scowl deepened, and Violet put a reassuring hand on his shoulder, "Sarah, I understand that you dislike my people and rightly so, for they have wronged you, but I just want you to give me a chance to prove that I'm not like them."

Sarah finally decided to accept, "Okay, I'll give you a chance."

Violet nodded, "Thank you."

Mr. Griffon waved at her, "You're free to go, but after school Ivy will be helping you set up for online school."

Sarah nodded, but cringed internally. Yay! More time with the girl who hated every fiber of her. Note the sarcasm. Sarah returned to her room opening the book from a few nights ago and continuing to read. The background noises of the rest of the household preparing for the day made it hard for Sarah to concentrate. Pesky thoughts on how she was an outcast, now more than ever, kept interrupting her. She decided that the silence was definitely worse, because now she had no distractions nothing to interrupt her mind as she slowly convinced herself that there was no point in her continuing to stay here. She was just a burden. Just a problem, a problem with one solution, get rid of it. Sarah valiantly tried to push through it and read the book, but in the middle of the afternoon it grew too much and she threw on a pair of shoes, and was about to leave the house when she came face to face with Ivy in the hall.

Ivy took one look at Sarah noting the shoes and lost it, "Seriously! Why do my parents even try to deal with you? They give you everything you could hope for offering their home and money and this is how you repay them by breaking one of the few rules they have set out. What are you even going to do runaway, then come crawling back her hoping for forgiveness? I can't believe they forgave you for the way you've been acting towards Mom. If it was up to me, you'd have been kicked out already."

Sarah flinched at Ivy's harsh tone, but decided why not, and argued back, "Oh, Like you're so perfect you won't even tell your supposed 'best friend' what you really are. What afraid you'll ed up like me?"

"I'm not afraid to tell Sophie. I do it to protect my Mom!"

"Your traitorous mother?"

Throwing her bag at Sophie, Ivy screamed, "What do you have against my Mom? Oh, right? I forgot you have no reason to hate my mom except you are a judgmental bitch who is rude even to the people who accepted her despite her only being a burden. What have you ever done to help anyone? Probably nothing, you're completely useless."

Sarah picked herself up from where Ivy's bag had knocked her down. Tears in her eyes she managed in a hoarse whisper, tears threatening to fall, "I guess I can do one thing to help you, leave. Don't worry after this you won't have to worry about me ever again."

As Sarah ran out the door and into the forest, tears falling down her face, Ivy shouted after her, "You may have stolen my last name, but you'll never be a part of my family."

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