Chapter 2-Actually the First Day of School

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Sarah groaned and rolled over in her bed as the alarm clock on her end table next to her bed beeped annoyingly. "Stupid alarm clock." She pressed the off button on her alarm clock reading "6:00 AM." She swung her legs over the side of her bed and walked over to her dresser, grabbing one of her school uniforms after turning on the lights. Amy was in the bathroom already, so she quickly slipped out of her pajamas and slipped on her uniform. She was fidgeting with her uniform as Amy left the bathroom. Sarah muttered, "Man, I hate skirts."

When Amy replied, "I know they're so impractical. I wish we could wear pants like the guys," causing Sarah to jump slightly "Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I thought you were talking to me."

Sarah responded, "Uh, no just talking to myself." She walked into the bathroom and mentally chastised herself as she brushed her teeth and hair, idiot she probably thinks you're crazy now. The first week was nice, but now it's time to actually do something and start concentrating on school and training. She exited the bathroom and grabbed her bag just as Amy did the same.

Amy smiled and shouldered her bag, "Come on let's go get some breakfast and start our first day of high school." Sarah followed her out the door and to the cafeteria where they met up with Taylor.

Taylor greeted them with mock horror on her face, "Who are you and what have you done with Amy. The Amy I know never wears skirts."

Amy grumbled, "Believe me I'm not happy about it." The threesome grabbed their food and sat down. Sarah listened as Amy and Taylor discussed their classes while comparing schedules. After finishing eating, Sarah placed her dishes in the dirty dishes bin, and pulled her schedule out of her pocket. Let's see first period, oh great it's English, ugh I hate that class. Darn I don't have gym until fifth period and after that I have sword training 101. At least I will have something to look forward to while I die of boredom in my first four classes. Amy broke Sarah out of her reverie by asking, "What class do you have first period?"

Sarah shook her head as if to clear her head of distracting thoughts before glancing back down at her schedule and replying "I have English with Mrs. Smith. You?"

Amy shook her head, "Darn I have History and Taylor has Science. Guess we won't see you till lunch. We will see you at lunch, right?"

As Sarah shouldered her bag she nodded replying, "Yeah, of course." She left the cafeteria and cut across the sports field to get to the school building faster. She wasn't paying much attention to her surroundings, because she was contemplating if there was such a thing as a good English teacher, so when a boy nearby shouted, "heads," she was startled and looked up quickly to see a baseball flying straight towards her face. Thanking her quick reflexes, she caught the ball and tossed it back to the boy. His look of astonishment masked his relief at not having injured a girl on the first day of school. Sarah made a mental note to not walk across the field while having an internal debate.

Sarah let out an audible groan as she sat down next to Taylor at lunch. Taylor looked up from the book she was reading, "Rough first day?"

Sarah picked up her sandwich and before taking a bite replied, "Yeah and its only half-way done."

"I'm sure it wasn't that bad. What classes did you have?"

"English, History, and Science."

"Those are my favorite classes! How can you not like them?"

Amy arrived and commented with a smile, "Only nerd like you would like your core classes. I got a nice schedule. I have an elective before lunch and one for 6th period."

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