Chapter 19-The Most Satisfying Punch Ever

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The blaring noise of her alarm woke her, and Sarah had never been gladder to hear that annoying sound. Finally, a nightmare free night. Her sleep-addled mind kicked into high gear when she saw the sleeping form of a person on Nichole's bed. Had she returned. What was she going to say? Then last night caught up to her and she face palmed. I'm such an idiot. How could I have forgotten I asked Taylor to sleep over? Taylor had awoken to the alarm and was currently sitting up rubbing her eyes. Sarah realized she had been staring and blushed looking away. She stood up and walked over to her dresser grabbing her clothes. She began taking off her tank top, but the startled "eep" from Taylor stopped her.

She let her tank top fall back down, covering her bruised torso, and apologized, "Sorry. Guess I just got used to changing in the open. I'll go in the bathroom."

Taylor paused and grabbed Sarah's arm before she went into the bathroom, "So, you mean... that... Nichole saw you changing?"

Sarah almost shrugged, but stopped herself, "Uh, yeah I guess. I never really thought about it." She pulled her arm out of Sarah's grip and closed the bathroom.

Taylor demanded through the closed door, "What! How can you not think about it? This conversation is not over."

Sarah just teased, "If you say so, but unless you want to wear the same clothes, I suggest that you change." Taylor just grunted, but Sarah heard the door close and she let out a breath she didn't know she was holding. Why was she tense? She tried to ignore the feeling as she clenched her jaw, bracing herself against the pain as she finished getting changed and redoing her bandage.

She exited the bathroom and was left alone with her thoughts for only a precious few seconds before a shrill voice that set her hair on end whispered, "I got eyes on the wolf... Yeah... She's leaving the dorm now... yeah I know...okay."

Sarah sped up, but when she turned the corner there was no sign of the owner to the voice. Who was that? Why didn't they leave a scent? What was she talking about? What did she know? Sarah's previous worries about her feelings were ignored as she puzzled over the strange voice. Her thoughts were not interrupted even as Taylor tried to carry on their conversation from earlier. She knew her terse responses were upsetting her friend, but she was just so confused. Did this have something to do with the voice at the court house? Who was the person? Who had they been talking to?

Finally, Taylor snapped her fingers in front off Sarah's face, "Seriously, stop ignoring me. What's going on?"

Sarah shook her head, guilt overtaking her, "Nothing. I'm sorry."

Disappointment joined anger on Taylor's face, "Really, Nothing. Fine. Be that way. I'll see you at lunch if you feel like actually talking."

Sarah fought back tears as she watched Taylor join Amy at another table. Way to go, you big idiot. You just lost your only friend. And for what? So, you could wonder about some weird voice you heard. A voice that you wouldn't have heard if you weren't a werewolf. If you weren't a monster. You deserved that. You're a horrible friend. Sarah's harsh thoughts continued through first period, which she had to miss. Her troubled line of thought was only broken by the bell signaling the start of second period. She tried to ignore the whispers of self-doubt in the back of her head by concentrating on her school work. She poured herself into her work, but second and third period disappeared too quickly. As she wandered the halls, she had nothing to distract her anymore. Her mind wandered back to the dark thoughts. Maybe I shouldn't be here. They gave me citizenship, but I'm still a monster. I can't even be a decent human to the one person who actually cared.

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