Chapter 32-A Home

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Sarah sat down uncertainly on the edge of the old bed. The guard, Mr. Griffon sat across from her on a different bed.

He looked her straight in the eye and started, "I'd be willing to adopt you."

Sarah opened her mouth to protest her, but He shushed her, "Before you start let me explain. As you may have guessed, I'm a werewolf. So are my wife and daughter. No one knows except our family and now you and I would like to keep it that way. Both my wife and I have profitable jobs her as a teacher and me as a personal trainer. We live in the country where there is plenty of room to run and be free. Because of secrecy my family and I have been able to live happily within society. Maybe you will too, because after all the uproar dies down, you will just be Sarah Griffon. Not Sarah Shireman, the first tamed werewolf. I am willing to adopt you because unlike some random family I won't judge you for being a werewolf. Neither will my family. You may pursue online school if you would like, and if you accept you can leave once your 18, if you want. I won't force you, but I think this may be the best option. Your friends can still visit you and anyone else you want. I just have one rule: keep our secret and my family's happiness."

Sarah opened her mouth to respond immediately but shut it. Sure, she didn't want to accept this stranger's help, but what he said made sense. It was only logical that she accepted. Then she would legally be adopted. It sounded like she would still have freedom and independence. She wouldn't have to rely on them. If they lived in the country she could basically live in the woods under the guise of being their family, and she wouldn't have to burden them.

Sarah nodded, "If you're sure, I accept."

Mr. Griffon clapped his hands, "Perfect. It's late, so I will take care of the details tomorrow then I will take you home."

Sarah nodded once more, becoming aware of just how tired she was. Mr. Griffon waved goodbye, "See you tomorrow."

Sarah collapsed back onto the rickety bed falling asleep almost instantly from sheer exhaustion.

She woke up the next morning to pain. Foozles, she had fallen asleep on her back, her still very injured back. She leaped up only to wince again at the quick motion. She hated being injured. It made her feel so weak, so useless.

Ignoring the pain, she made her way to the door, opening it to come face to face with Mr. Griffon. She stepped back in shock, but he smiled. His smile reminded her of Rick.

She repressed a shudder as he greeted warmly, "Perfect, Sarah you're just who I was looking for. I just finished downstairs. You're officially Sarah Griffon."

Sarah forced a smile, but it died shortly after. Mr. Griffon noticed but let it slide. He began heading downstairs, "If, you'll follow me, my car is parked nearby. Then I can show you your new home."

Sarah grunted in agreement, still nervous. The rest of the way to Mr. Griffon's home was filled with silence. Occasionally, Mr. Griffon would attempt to start a conversation. But Sarah's monosyllabic responses shut down any attempt. Eventually, they arrived at the large country home. Sarah resisted gapping in awe. The place was huge.

Mr. Griffon noticed her surprise and laughed, "I guess it's an upgrade form the school dorms. Don't worry you'll fit right in. We own most of the land around the house so feel free to run and hunt as a wolf as much as you like, although I would be careful until that arm has healed."

Sarah nodded dumbly and followed Mr. Griffon to the front door.

As he opened the door, he introduced himself, "By the way you can call me Bill."

Sarah nodded once again.

"My wife and daughter already left for school they will be back later."

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