Chapter 23-Bad Ideas

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Sarah sighed and replaced her homework back in her bag. She had finished it, but still had plenty of time before dinner. She groaned as she spread out on her bed. She was so bored. She looked down at the cast at her foot. It was small, as she had broken the bottom of the tibia. However, she still couldn't run or train or do anything that she normally did when she had time to spare. She sat up and looked at the pile of books on her desk; the books that the police had provided her; the books that had titles like, The Moon's Mate, Alpha and Omega, and Forbidden Mate. They were all stupid werewolf romance books, but unless she wanted to read her Science textbook she didn't many other options.

She picked one up that looked promising. It depicted two wolves circling each other. The title read, A Wolf's War. Sarah settled in on her bed and began reading. She was mildly surprised that the book was decent. The internal conflict of the main character was intriguing. The main character was a wolf who fights in a war against her country but finds her mate in the midst of battle and must choose where her loyalties lie. Sarah finished the book and threw it angrily against the room. The stupid author had just killed the main character. That is no way to end the book. She didn't even choose between her mate or her country she just died because of a headshot. Sarah sighed grabbing her crutches and walking across the room. I suppose that's why guns are banned. Too many people die when anyone has them.

At the end of the last world war, the world's leaders had decided that all guns and bombing technology was banned worldwide. Any production or experimenting with weapons was punishable by death. The peace had been short-lived, and as soon as the Lunar army had trained their soldiers to fight with swards, axes, and maces, they had started another war. This war had a lower death count, but there were still casualties. For as long as Sarah could remember the Solar and Lunar armies had been at a standstill, neither army gaining round but both losing lives.

Sarah returned the book to the desk and glanced at the clock, 7:05 PM. Perfect the cafeteria was still open, but most people would be gone. This way Taylor and Amy wouldn't have to see her.

Sarah exited her dorm only to see Amy and Taylor walking down the hall deep in conversation. Sarah turned to face her dorm door, locking it, trying to disappear while also listening to the sound of footsteps and voices. They approached, and Amy's gait stuttered ever so slightly; she had spotted Sarah. Sarah held her breath, as Amy continued the conversation. Taylor hadn't noticed the slight pause in Amy's step. Taylor hadn't noticed Sarah. They just walked away. Sarah didn't know why, but it stung. She continued down the hall mentally berating herself, it's for the best. Taylor doesn't want anything to do with a horrible friend like you.

Sarah attempted to hide in the shadows like she normally did, but the crutches were too loud and conspicuous, so she drew stares from the few people wandering around the dorm. She recognized none of the people, they were all strangers. People she hardly knew, but they stood staring at her judging her. She saw a girl whisper to her boyfriend as she walked by, and a small freshman turned the other way when she passed. Her wolf bristled with anger at the treatment, but her human side just looked down in resignation. Of course, everyone knew her; she was the first werewolf. Of course, people were scared, of course, there were rumors; she was the first werewolf. What was she expecting? For people to treat her like a normal girl, an invisible person, just another face in a crowd? What a joke, Sarah thought wryly. After all, if she thought people weren't judgmental, then why would she hide her scars as best she could beneath long clothes. Sarah sighed. In truth it didn't matter if other people didn't care, they probably didn't they had more important things going on then gawking at her, but Sarah would always be ashamed of her scars. The front she had put up towards Nichole all those weeks had been just that, a front. Behind it, she was just scared, frightened, ashamed, and angry at herself.

A High School WerewolfTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang