Chapter 35-Minor Details

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Sarah spun around as she heard the wooden squeak of a door opening. Mr. Griffon stood in the door way. Sarah dropped her hands to her sides and lowered her gaze to the concrete floor.

Mr. Griffon sighed, "Look, Sarah, I know I can't possibly understand what you're going through, but this behavior isn't healthy. Your hands are all bloody, these kinds of destructive tendencies really aren't good."

Sarah grunted non-committedly and hid her hands behind her back.

Mr. Griffon took a step forwards, "Okay, listen. How about this? You let me bandage your hands and asses your wounds and then I will let this go."

Sarah nodded and reluctantly followed Mr. Griffon back upstairs to the bathroom where he grabbed a first aid kit. Then she followed him to the kitchen table.

Mr. Griffon opened the first aid kit, revealing bandages, splints, and medicine, "Give me your hands Sarah." Sarah extended her hands across the counter to Mr. Griffon. The knuckles on her hands were bruised from the repeated hits and bloody from where the skin had torn.

As he soaked some gauze in alcohol, he warned, "This is going to sting a little." Sarah hissed in pain as he cleaned the blood away, but she held her hand still as he finished bandaging both hands. Mr. Griffon continued staring at her even though he had finished bandaging her hands. Sarah followed he gaze to her chest just above the collar of the too-big shirt.

Uncomfortable, Sarah coughed, "What are you looking at?"

Mr. Griffon jumped slightly, "Oh, sorry, um, I was looking at your bandages."

"What about them?"

"Look, I know you don't like accepting help, but I really think you should go see a doctor about those."

Sarah scoffed, "You don't even know how bad they are."

Mr. Griffon nodded, "You're right, but Ivy does she saw a few of them when she helped you finish bandaging them. And she saw them when you were a wolf and then transformed."

Sarah muttered, "Right..."

"Just come to the hospital. You don't want to get an infection, do you? Besides what harm could come from it?"

"I don't really have a choice, do I?"


Sure, Sarah had fine with it when she was still at the house, but now? Now that she was in front of the hospital. The hospital where she woke up after almost being killed. She was having doubts, and was considering running away, but realized that in the crowded parking lot surrounded by people and with Mr. Griffon right next to her it probably wouldn't work. She trailed behind him slightly as they entered the harsh white building. Sarah was prepared to have to wait hours before they could get looked at, but the nurse looked up as she recognized Sarah's name that Mr. Griffon provided.

She looked up and double checked the file, "Um, okay the doctor will be right with you."

Sarah couldn't help snorting in surprise, "Really?"

The receptionist ignored Sarah's attitude and nodded, "Yes, due to recent events we were informed that if you were ever to come here you should get immediate treatment."

Sarah nodded and muttered a thanks before going and sitting down, thinking, so the police took the time to notify the hospital instead of just sending her there, weird. True to the receptionist's promise a doctor entered the waiting hall from one of the connecting hallways asking for a Sarah Griffon. Sarah didn't respond at first unused to hearing Griffon ad her last name, but when Mr. Griffon stood up she realized the woman in the white coat was talking about her and quickly followed him into to the room the doctor showed them.

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