Chapter 12-Friendship or Something More or Something Less

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***Warning: Mention of suicide and depressing thoughts. Read at your own risk***

The awkwardness lasted throughout their next two periods, but they hardly noticed because both teachers skipped first day formalities and dove right to the teaching. Nichole grumbled about this to no end complaining that, "Who makes us actually learn on the first day?"

Sarah grunted and replied sarcastically as the walked towards the cafeteria, "What? We must learn in school? I had no idea."

Nichole grumbled, "Oh shut up." Surprisingly Sarah did actually 'shut up.' What's the point? We don't need to get into another argument. They sat down at an unoccupied table in the corner of the cafeteria with their food. Unlike this morning, the cafeteria was crowded, students filled the large area making Sarah long to be outside. Nichole notices Sarah's far away expression and teased, "Missing your girlfriend already?"

This shocked Sarah out of her thoughts, "Girlfriend!?"

"Yeah that nerd who you're always hanging around."

"We're not dating."

"Oh really?"

"Yes. Besides that's none of your business."

"Come on, I just want to know if your single or not."

"And why would that be?"

"So, I can know whether or not I'm going to have to listen to you and your significant other make out."

"Gross. Ugh. No. Why would you even ask that?"

"We have to be together at all times don't you remember I really hope that doesn't include when one of us is you know," Nichole dropped to a whisper, "getting it on."

Sarah flinched, "I am officially declaring this conversation over. Let's cross that bridge only if we get there."

Nichole mocked being hurt, "If? I think you mean when. You know the boys can't stay away from this," she gestured to herself.

Sarah groaned, "Why did I have to get stuck with a prima donna for a guard?"

Nichole adopted a high-pitched voice, "Oh dearie, don't even get me started, like I just can't even. Like Jimmy McHotStuff 'accidentally' ran into me the other day, and I just didn't know do you think that means he likes me. Oh, who am I kidding? Who doesn't like me? No, don't answer that, I know, I know. No body, just look at me I'm irresistible." They both burst out laughing. Sarah no longer felt trapped in the crowded cafeteria, and they finished their lunch in amiable silence.

Much to Nichole's relief, in history and science no learning took place. The teachers spent the entire period introducing themselves. Next up was Gym. Nichole sighed as she shouldered her bag after science, "Any chance that we will actually do something fun in gym?"

Sarah followed Nichole at the door before shrugging, "Probably not, but who knows?" Despite their blossoming friendship, Sarah was still nervous. She felt on edge, but she couldn't place the feeling. Her human instincts tried to convince her that it was because she was walking next to a person armed with several daggers, but her wolf instincts warned her that it was something else. She knew it was weird, but her suspicions were answered when they rounded the corner to the gym entrance and a black shadow attacked Sarah. Sarah instinctively raised her hands and grabbed the arms of the shadow preparing to throw him over her head and onto the ground. Wait, him? Crap I'm not allowed to touch other students. Sarah dropped her hands and the boy spoke up. It was the jerk from freshman year who had tried to flirt with her. Nichole stood there with her hand on the dagger sheathed at on her leg.

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