Chapter 14-She Really Hates School Dances

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Awkwardness hung in the air, surrounding a group of five teens eating breakfast. Amy cleared her throat awkwardly, "So..."

Taylor stabbed a sausage, "Yeah..."

Bryan just pushed his food around his pate fidgeting, "Um..."

Suddenly Sarah blurted, "Yes."

All four looked up in surprise, and Nichole asked what everyone was thinking, "Yes, what?"

Sarah amended, "Yes, I'll go to the dance with Bryan."

Taylor unaware that Bryan had even offered stammered, "What? When was that a thing?"

Bryan, a smile lighting his face celebrated, "Last night at 4 am. Oh man! I can't believe you actually said yes! I wanted to ask you last year, but I never got up the nerve. I know, big surprise Bryan, Mr. Egotistical, couldn't work up the courage to ask you out, but now I have! Wait until the guys hear about this!" He stood up with a big goofy grin plastered on his face as he sauntered over to the table where his 'manly' friends sat.

Taylor and Nichole looked dejected, but Amy just sighed, "Why did you have to go and say yes, Sarah? He's is going to be going on about that until the dance."

Sarah shrugged sheepishly, "At least the dance is tonight?"

Amy rolled her eyes, "Yeah, 12 hours of excited Bryan. Whoop-de-do." The sarcasm coating her every word was almost tangible.

Taylor stared at her plate, "But, Why? Last dance didn't go so well."

Again, Sarah shrugged. I honestly don't know. I just couldn't say no to him. Ugh, when did I become so sappy.

Taylor continued staring at Sarah now studying her, "Is it because you like him?"

A shrug.

"Because you think he's hot?

A scoff from Amy, but nothing from Sarah.

"Because... you are an alien from another planet who has replaced our friend."

A snort.

"Yeah, didn't think so. Is it because..."

Nichole interjected, "You are really bad at saying no?"

Bingo. Sarah's head twisted to face Nichole's. Nichole shot Taylor a victorious smirk. Sarah sighed, "What could go wrong? It's just one date."

Several hours later....

Bryan and Sarah walked hand in hand towards the gym. Sarah kept fussing with the forest green dress she was wearing with her free hand. Still sporting a goofy, grin Bryan reassured her, "You look fine Sarah. No not fine, you look wonderful." In the time Sarah had had to seriously think over her decision she was beginning to regret agreeing to go, not because of Bryan she had nothing against the guy even if she didn't like him as more than a friend. No, it was because of this stupid dress. Ugh I hate dresses there so restricting and impractical, and not workout gear or armor. The couple entered the hot, sweaty, and crowded gym, only giving Sarah more regret, followed by a not so happy threesome. Nichole fidgeted uncomfortably in her dress, Taylor stared at the ground dejectedly, and Amy grumbled about not finding a date despite her claims that she didn't like that 'mushy romance stuff.' Unfortunately, Sarah's discomfort only grew as the bitch and the bully approached her and Bryan from across the room.

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