Chapter 13-Wait, What?

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Sarah lead the other girls through the forest. In the time it had taken for Nichole to grab Sarah clothes the sun had set, and only Sarah could navigate the pitch-black forest. Sarah relied just as much on her enhanced vision as in her smell following Nichole's path out of the woods. Sarah could have made the journey running easily but because the other girls couldn't see the roots littering the forest floor they walked stumbling through the woods. The result of not following any actual trail was that Taylor and Nichole were scratched up from tripping and all three had various bits of tree stuck in their clothes and hair. When they arrived at the dorm Taylor insisted, "We should still go see Amy she's probably worried sick."

Nichole countered, "She made it pretty clear in the woods that she wanted nothing to do with Sarah. She's probably already asleep."

Taylor rounded on Nichole, "Oh, how would you know you were too busy sulking in your own hurt feelings to even give Sarah, the person you have to be with 24/7, a second thought. What would you know about our close friend?"

Nichole's voice rose to match her temper, "What do you mean 'our' friend? Amy was the one who drove Sarah to committing suicide. I don't think that qualifies as being a 'friend.'"

"Then I guess you aren't her friend either since you only thought about yourself and didn't notice any of the warning signs."
"And you did?"

Sarah growled stepping between the two angry and sleep-deprived teens. She placed a hand on each of their chests. She spoke quietly but it was still scarier then the shouting match from before, "I know I missed something between you two when I was a wolf." Nichole opened her mouth, but Sarah silenced her with a glare continuing, "But, I think now is no the time to discuss it. Whatever it was, you two need to sort it out. Later. Right now, I'm going to pay Amy a visit and if she is willing to speak to me then I will explain anything that she wants to know. I would insist that both of you go to bed, but Nichole has to stay with me, so instead I'm going to insist that you, Taylor, go to bed and we will talk in the morning. Nichole come with me but keep your mouth shut."

Sarah finished lowering her hands and entering the dorm. The two girls looked like slapped puppies after being scolded by Sarah, someone who had, as of late, been speaking in fewer and fewer words relying mainly on non-verbal communication. Nichole and Taylor followed Sarah inside; Taylor turned towards her own dorm leaving Nichole and Sarah as they headed towards Amy's dorm. Sarah arrived at the door labeled 'd216.' Sarah paused to gather her courage despite her calmness outside her heart was racing at the prospect of confronting Amy. She hesitantly raised her hand before knocking three times on the door.

A very worried Amy answered the door and immediately bear-hugged Sarah sobbing, "I'm so sorry. I didn't know. I didn't mean to drive you to that. I just didn't understand." Nichole glared daggers through Sarah at Amy. Sarah awkwardly comforted Amy, while Bryan scowled at her in an attempt to hide his own concern. It failed miserably, and he soon joined Amy and Sarah enveloping both in a large hug. They stepped back, and Amy invited them into the dorm, much to the chagrin of her roommate, a blonde girl who looked like she had never even fathomed looking at someone in such a state as Sarah and Nichole much less having her roommate invite them inside.

She grumbled something along the lines of, "I better not find and dirt in here," before turning to face the wall and probably text her friends about how horrible this entire situation was. Amy sat down on the bed with Bryan next to her while Sarah and Nichole opted to sit on the floor.

Amy faced Sarah and demanded, "Tell me everything."

Sarah repeated, "Everything?"

Amy assured, "Yes everything I want to know how and when Snowy and Sarah became one and the same."

The blonde girl turned over at this, "Wait that bitch is the mutt my boyfriend had been trying to get to leave." Figures that bitch would be bully dude's girlfriend. And she calls me a bitch. She's more plastic than a Tupperware container. Sarah proceeded to tell Amy everything. Everything from the night of the school dance to tonight.

When she finished Bryan awkwardly asked, "Listen, I know this may sound strange, and I know you probably don't want to go to another dance, but the 'Welcome to School' dance is tomorrow, and I was wondering if you wanted to be my date, Sarah?" The blonde bitch snorted from the other side of the room, and Bryan continued, "You don't have to if you don't want to." When Sarah just sat there dumbstruck he stammered, "Why don't you just tell me tomorrow since its like 4 am right now?" Sarah nodded numbly. Bryan actually wants me to be his date. Me, the werewolf. Me, the murderer. Me, the total screw up. Me, the person who as an escort.

She walked the rest of the way back to the room in disbelief, and when Nichole unlocked the door she headed straight for the door, but Nichole grabbed her arm, "What are you going to say?"

Sarah just shrugged, back to her usual few word answers. Nichole let go of her arm, but chewed her lip, nervous.

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