Chapter 25-Dress Shopping

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Sarah glared down at Taylor, who was holding up a red sparkly sleeveless cocktail dress. Taylor pleaded, "Please, just try it on."


Taylor sighed and returned the dress to the rack. She turns and scowls at Sarah, "At least try to pretend you're having fun."

Sarah followed Taylor on her crutches through the racks of clothes. She questions, "How am I supposed to have fun dress shopping for a dance where people are going to try to kill me?"

Taylor stopped at another rack and started fingering through the different clothes occasionally holding one up for Sarah to look at. "At least you have a date. I don't have anyone to go with."

Sarah eyed the hot pink dress Taylor was holding, "Definitely not that one. Besides it's not a real date. If only Nichole had stayed around to be my guard, then I wouldn't have to drag Bryan into this whole mess."

Taylor sighed and moved away from the dresses, "Speak for yourself, I'm glad that Nichole is gone."

Sarah nodded slightly in approval of the simple black suit Taylor reluctantly offered, "Why? If she was still here, then that whole incident with Elise would never have happened."

Taylor reasoned as they made they're way to the changing rooms, "Because she left. As soon as you were injured. Poof! Nichole disappeared. She should be a magician not a guard."

Sarah refrained from further comment as she entered the changing room. Before exiting a short time later holding the suit out to Taylor, muttering, "Stupid cast."

Taylor giggled and danced in victory, "Dress it is."

Sarah groaned, "Why can't I just use the one from last time I went with Bryan?"

"Because that's boring."

"Since when did you like dresses?"

"Just because I'm a nerd doesn't mean I can't like dressing up."

"But you're not dressing up."

"Yes I am."

Sarah groaned and grabbed a random black dress that came down to her knees.

Taylor shook her head, "No, that's to depressing. Plus, villains always wear black, and you don't need to look like even more of a villain."
Sarah put the dress back and raised an eyebrow, "Even more of a villain?"

Taylor shrugged, "You know, scars, being a werewolf, all that stuff."

Sarah grumbled, "And you tell me to be more sensitive."

Taylor ignored her, and squealed, "Ooooh! Look at this one!"

Sarah looked at the blue dress with a silver design across the top, sighing, "Fine, whatever. I'll go try it on."

Taylor jumped up and down in place like a little kid, "Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes."

Sarah scowled, "Knock it off; we're in public."

Taylor blushed and stopped, "Whoops."

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