Chapter 31-Justice or Injustice

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Bryan, the voice of reason, piped up, "Isn't what Nichole's 'tribe' did illegal?"

Taylor nodded, "Yes, what they did was illegal. They could be charged for kidnapping, torturing and intentions of murder. Unfortunately, since Nichole was involved it's not that simple. However, I believe that if she reports it and is completely honest with her activities and how her parents influenced her, threatening her even, then she may be released of all charges. It will probably have to go to court."

Nichole sighed, "But, we won't know until we go report it."

Sarah muttered, "But, you could go to jail."

"Yes, but if I don't you can't receive justice for the awful things they did."

Sarah noticed the almost imperceptible change in Taylor's breathing as she tried to calm herself. Sarah looked at her, asking without words if she was okay. She hated this rivalry between Nicole and Taylor but saw no end in the near future unless she made a choice. The problem was: she didn't feel romantically inclined towards either. She couldn't bear to let either down.

Bryan stood, "I'll go start the truck. The sooner the better, right?"

Taylor waved him back to his seat, "Wait until Nichole finishes bandaging Sarah."

Bryan sat back down, "Fine. Sorry if I actually want to get stuff done."

Taylor glared, but Sarah shushed her with a look. Sarah wanted her to stop arguing on her behalf. She wasn't everyone's problem. At least, she hope's she isn't.

Nichole finished rewrapping Sarah's splint and proclaimed, "Done, now we can go, Bryan."

Bryan murmured, "Sheesh," and moved towards the door. "Come on let's hurry up and go to the police."

The ride over in the truck was filled to the brim with tense silence. Bryan drove completely focused on his task. Amy, deaf to the world, sat on her phone in the passenger seat. In the back, Taylor sat at one window, Sarah at the other, and Nichole in the middle. Each sitting as far apart from the other as possible. Nichole would occasionally make an attempt to reach for Sarah in a comforting gesture, but Sarah would flinch, and Taylor would glare daggers at Nichole. Eventually, she gave up.

The group sat impatiently in the waiting room of the police station as Nichole told her story to the police. Then, an officer came out, "Sarah Shireman, please come with us."

Sarah stood up and fidgeted nervously with the hem of her shirt. She followed the officer back into a room very similar to the one where she was questioned after first transforming back into a human. The officer sat down across from her and began, "Would you please recount what happened to you at the winter ball dance at your school."

Sarah began, stuttering, "I went to the dance because my friends wanted me to, and then I went outside for some fresh air and was kidnapped."

The officer sighed, "Would you mind providing more detail?"

Sarah nodded, "About what?"

"Anything related to the kidnapping."

She didn't want to condemn Nichole, so Sarah hesitated before answering, "I couldn't tell anything about my kidnapper."

The officer noted something on her paper before continuing, "Nothing. You're that 'tamed' werewolf, aren't you?"

Sarah nodded.

"Aren't you supposed to have good hearing and smell. Did you recognize the scent? Or hear the approach."

Sarah answered truthfully, "No, I was distracted."

"Distracted by what?"

"N-nothing related to the kidnapping."

"I'll be the judge of that. Could you please tell me what distracted you?"

"S-someone k-kissed me."

"Oh, um, I see. Sorry for intruding. Moving on can you recount to me the details of your capture."

"I would prefer not to."

The officer set down her pen and paper, massaging her forehead, "You do realize that it will be very hard to press charges without any information."

Sarah took a deep breath, "They tortured me enough to leave me with the injuries I currently have. Is that enough?"

"I suppose so. I can understand if it's difficult, but any more information would be highly appreciated."

So, Sarah retold the events of her first torture, but by the end she was such a stuttering mumbling mess that the officer cut her off.

"I see, I think I have enough info. I see your wounds have already been treated, but feel free to visit the doctor if you need. I will get back to you with more information later."

Sarah returned to the waiting room where Taylor remained. She stood up and gently hugged Sarah, "Are you okay?"

Sarah nodded mutely.

"Well, Nichole had to go back in for more questioning. A trial is being held tomorrow."


"Yeah. Don't worry you don't have to attend."


"For what?"


Taylor looked Sarah in the eye, "You're welcome, but don't worry about it."

Sarah nodded and sat down in a chair.

They waited for hours for Nichole to return, but before she did, the officer from before returned, calling for Sarah, "I have more information if you would please come with me."

Sarah obliged and followed her back into the department. This time to an office.

The officer sat down behind the desk gesturing for her to take the seat opposite, "I'm afraid that the chief doesn't see fit to send you back to school. There are too many anti-werewolf feelings for it to be a safe environment. For anywhere to be a safe environment. I regret to inform you, but I'm afraid that it may be best if you live with someone in the country away from most people. If you wish to continue your education, you may take online classes, but for your own safety I'm afraid that it might be for the best that you refrain from coming into town alone."

Sarah nodded.

The officer continued, "Legally you are still a minor, so you will need to stay with a guardian until you are 18. For now, you will stay in the orphanage with a guard, for your safety, until a family adopt you or you turn 18 whichever comes first."

Sarah nodded.

"I will escort you there now. This time your guard will be a trained adult, not another teen."

Sarah nodded, following the officer out of the room, where she came face to face with a gruff man perhaps in his mid-20's. She paused. That scent, she didn't recognize it. Could it be? Another werewolf?

Sarah was about to ask, but the officer cut her off unknowingly, "This is your guard. Mr. Griffon."

Sarah accepted his handshake and muttered a greeting, "I'm Sarah."

The officer waved them along, "Hurry up, we haven't got all day."

When they arrived at the orphanage, the officer left them to return to his duties. Mr. Griffon led the way into the orphanage. The small children running around the lobby all cowered and scurried away when they entered. Whether from Mr. Griffon or herself, Sarah couldn't tell. None the less, it certainly was not a warm welcome.

Mr. Griffon talked to the lady at the front desk, "I'm here with Sarah Shireman."

The lady nodded quickly, "Yes, of course. She can stay in her old room from before."

Sarah sighed. Her room from before. Before all this chaos. Before when her biggest problem was her murdered family.

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