Chapter 15-Alone Time? What's that?

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Four Zombies were surrounding Sarah. She stood frozen in place, terrified, as the first lumbered forward sword in hand and armor barely recognizable as from the lunar army. She tried to run, to scream, to do anything but she remained frozen in place. The Zombies sword impaled her, and pain clouded her vision; she felt like she was going to die. The zombie pulled out the sword as a cackling surround her, "How do like that? Doesn't feel very good does it?" She collapsed relieved believing herself to finally be dead but when the pain vanished she was no longer human. Only two Zombies remained. Where had the third one gone? She was smashed into the ground as a body landed on top of her, then the other Zombie lunged much quicker then it should have been able to. He clawed at her immobile body, disappearing as he clawed off her head. The finally Zombie was gone; no, not gone behind her his jaws clamped down on her neck as it cracked, she still was unable to scream as her vision faded to black.

Sarah sat up with a start, drenched in a cold sweat and shaking. It was just a dream. I'm okay. I'm not dead. I should be dead. I'm not okay. She brought her knees up to her chest and buried her face in her arms, crying. Movement from the other side of the room attracted her attention, and she hastily wiped her tears away with her sleeve. She was glad for the dark, since it meant that Nichole couldn't see her red-rimmed eyes or tear-stained cheeks. Nichole blearily sat up, rubbing her eyes muttering, "What time is it? Sarah? Oh no. You had another one of your nightmares, didn't you?" Sarah turned away, but Nichole stumbled in the dark over to her bed.

She embraced Sarah, but Sarah flinched, "I'm sorry." She pulled away from Nichole and jumped off the bed.

Nichole followed blindly, "Where are you going?"

Sarah motioned to her desk, but realized Nichole couldn't see her, "To my desk. To read. Go back to sleep. I'll be fine."

"I thought we were done with the lies Sarah, you're obviously not okay, and I'm not going to sleep until I'm sure you're okay. So, grab your book or whatever, but come back to your bed, so I can offer support or whatever." Still shaken up, Sarah complied without arguing grabbing a book from her desk and sitting back down on her bed. Nichole sat next to her leaning into the taller girl, but she sat up as she heard pages turning, "How are you reading? I can't even see my hand in front of my face." Sarah didn't respond but reached behind Nichole and flicked on the bedside lamp. Nichole resumed her earlier position, but despite her earlier promise, she fell asleep, even as Sarah lay awake

Sarah tried to calm her mind, and lose herself in the book, another werewolf one (stupid police), but not only was she distracted by her nightmare, but also by Nichole, now sleeping, who was leaned against her. She might not have minded if she wasn't covered bruises, if Nichole hadn't confessed her feelings, and if she wasn't weirded out by touchy-feely stuff. She hadn't ever been raised with hugs and kisses instead she was surrounded by weapons and fighting. Safe to say, Sarah didn't get much reading done. Every time she would try to read about another Alpha finding an unlikely mate, she would be distracted by Nichole's light snoring or the feel of her chest as she breathed. Stupid emotions. Stupid confession. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid. Sarah kept looking at the clock seeing when it would be a reasonable time to wake Nichole.

She spent her morning/night is this way. First, try to read a page. Second, fail by noticing Nichole. Third, glance at the clock. Forth, rinse and repeat until its 6am. When the clock finally switched from 5:59 to 6:00 and the alarm rang out Sarah almost jumped for joy. Finally, now I don't have to worry about Nichole. Argh. Never mind, since I have to spend the entire day with her, and tomorrow. Stupid feelings. Stupid awkwardness. Sarah groaned, discarding her book on her desk before pulling on the school uniform. How she hated that uniform. The skirt was short and didn't cover the bruises on her legs or the scars. The top was white, and the dark discoloration of bruises was clearly visible through the fabric. At least they could where whatever shoes they wanted to.

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