Chapter 27-Guess Who?

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***Warning: Descriptions of torture. Read at your own risk. ***

Sarah's first feeling was that of pain pounding through her head. She groaned and opened her eyes only to shut them against the brightness of a flickering light. She slowly tried again and blinked rapidly. As her eyes adjust, she realized she's in a cell. Cell being a loose term. She pushed herself up with her hands and slowly turned her head to take in the surroundings. Concrete, concrete, and more concrete. In the middle of one wall was a solid metal door with no handle. Other than the single light on the ceiling protected by a metal grate, the only other non-concrete fixture was a rusty metal drain in the middle, and a depressing Gray cot that she was currently laying on.

Sarah struggled to her feet. Using the wall as a crutch, she made her way to the metal door and heaved. To her surprise, it opened. Sadly, only a single toilet lays ahead accompanied by a sad sink. But, if that's not the door out, then how did she get in here? Her question is answered, as a loud scraping noise fills the room and infuriates her headache. What is that god-awful noise? She looked back into the main room. To see one of the panels of concrete disappearing into the ceiling. Outlined in the doorway is a muscular figure. It moved to one side revealing a much smaller and more familiar silhouette in the doorway.

The first figure barked in a gruff voice, "Sister Nichole, collect the beast. It's time for lesson number 1. Punishment."

Nichole entered the light, "Yes, Brother Richard."

"I told you to call be Rick."

"Yes, Brother Rick."

Sarah noticed that behind Nichole's grim façade, is sadness and regret. When Nichole grabbed Sarah's arm, Sarah was forced to lean on Nichole because of her cast. Nichole adjusted her arm so that it could help support the larger girls weight. She met Brother Rick's glare of disapproval with practiced apathy. Nichole and Sarah followed Brother Rick down the hall. Sarah took in as much as she could while leaning on Nichole and disguising her intentions. The corridor was much like her cell. No windows or furnishings, just concrete halls. Brother Rick turned left and then right and then straight and then left and then right and then stopped. He stopped in front of another steel door.

Brother Rick roughly grabbed Sarah's arm, "Sister, go back to Father Stephan."

Nichole nodded and departed down the hall without a single glance back. Bother Rick smiled devilishly and shoved hoped the metal door revealing a torture room. Sarah so badly wished to run away and disappear somewhere else somewhere safe, but Rick's grip on her arm was that of Iron and her cast impeded her.

Rick cackled, "Soon, that leg is going to be the least of your worries, but today you're lucky. It's only lesson one." He dragged Sarah into the room. Sarah attempted to keep weight off her injured foot, but only succeeded slightly. He fastened her wrists around a pole and forced her to kneel. Rick exited her sight and returned. Beginning to pace behind her Rick began slapping something into his hand producing gentle "thwacks."

He questioned, "Why do you think you're here?"

Paralyzed with fear, Sarah didn't answer. She whimpered in pain and surprise when a whip came down across her back.

Rick growled, "I asked a question. Answer!"

Sarah stammered, "C-cause I'm a w-werewolf."

Another crack of the whip, sounding like a gunshot, Sarah feared that he had forbidden weapons as well.

Rick's voice snapped her out of her worries, "Close, try again."

"N-Nichole had to guard me?"

A crack of the whip.

"I-I-I'm gay?"

A cackle and the crack of a whip.

"I k-kissed Taylor?"

Crack. "No, It's because you're a murderer." Crack. "You killed Brother Bob."

Sarah didn't even feel the crack of the whip against her stinging flesh, as suppressed memories engulfed her. Her stalking in the woods. An unexpected crack of a tick to her left. A rock slamming into her side. Defensive instincts kicking in as she lunged at the man standing in the bushes. The taste of blood in her mouth. The feeling of her claws ripping through his flesh. His screams of agony. Running away when more men came crashing through the woods.

The searing pain of the whip contacting her flesh snapped her back to the present. As Sarah gasped in pain, Rick mused, "Hmmm... murder. What should the punishment for that be?" He paused to whip Sarah before continuing, "Let's start off simple for today. 50 lashes."

Sarah whimpered, as Rick began the count.

"One." Crack! "Two" Crack! "Three." Crack!

By the time Rick finished fifty, Sarah's back was raw bleeding and her shirt was torn to pieces. Rick whispered as he untied Sarah's hands, "I hope you enjoyed because round two is tomorrow."

Sarah attempted to stumble out of the room, but Rick's rough grasp knocked her of her feet. Waiting for them outside the room was Nichole. Brother Rick ordered, "Sister, bandage her in her cell then leave."

As Sarah slumped onto Nichole's shoulder she couldn't help but wonder. Why bandage me? What she didn't realize is that in her pain addled mind she actually muttered the words aloud.

Nichole glanced at her, "They don't want you to die... yet"

"Yay." Sarcasm laced Sarah's last word before she gave into the darkness that offered relief from the pain.

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