Chapter 33-An Explanation

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Sarah followed Ivy down the hallway towards the kitchen. She tried to avoid wincing as her clothes rubbed against her open wounds. Ivy seemed quite impatient and was running through the halls. If Sarah wasn't a werewolf, she would not have been able to keep up. Before they entered the sight of the kitchen, Ivy abruptly slowed down.

She explained in a whisper, "For appearances."

Sarah nodded easily hearing the whisper thanks to her improved hearing. They entered the kitchen where an angry Mr. Griffon sat next to a recovering Sophie.

He laid eyes upon Sarah and started, "I thought I could trust you to have the common decency not to scare Ivy and Sophie."

Sarah just looked down, muttering, "I'm sorry."

Ivy, to Sarah's surprise, stepped in front of her in a defensive position, "Before you start lecturing Sarah, would you mind giving me and Sophie an explanation. Also, she was sleeping we startled her, it's not her fault."

Sarah send a grateful look to Ivy, this was the second time she had defended her. Why was she being so nice?

Mr. Griffon sighed, "Okay, I'll give you an explanation." He gestured to the chairs across from the table, "Please take a seat. This is a long story." He proceeded to explain Sarah's situation after being kidnapping and his decision to adopt her.

Sophie still looked horrified, "She's the tamed werewolf. How do you know that she's not going to go crazy and attack you?"

Ivy answered for Sarah, "For one, she's injured from her imprisonment. And second, she's called 'tamed' for a reason."

Mr. Griffon nodded, "That's right. I wouldn't be worried Sophie. Just don't startle her."

Sarah felt like shouting I'm right here, but she kept her silence. As much as she hated it, she really did need Mr. Griffon's support and she had already angered him.

Mr. Griffon turned to Ivy, "Sophie will have to stay in your room since Sarah's in the guest room. Tr to make her feel welcome, she's going through a rough spot in life and needs friends."

Ivy stood, "Ok Dad. Come on Sophie let's get you settled in my room. Sarah why don't you come along."

Sarah stood up as well, but muttered, "I don't want to intrude."

Ivy laughed, "Don't worry you won't be. Right Sophie, you don't mind?"

Sarah almost missed Sophie's response because she was too busy admiring how Ivy's soft laughter seemed to fill the room.

Sophie smiled shyly, "Yeah, that's fine. As long as you don't turn back into a wolf."

Ivy and Sophie laughed and joked as they made their way to Ivy's bedroom. Sarah followed behind, suppressing her jealousy.

When they reached Ivy's bedroom, Ivy addressed Sophie, "You can put your stuff here. We can just share my bed if you want? Well you do that I'm going to grab some bandages for Sarah. Wait here."

Sarah stood awkwardly as Sophie set her bag down and collapsed onto Ivy's bed. Ivy's room was a simple white room with a large bed in the center with plain white sheets, but the pictures, posters, and drawings decorating her room gave it personality. Sarah saw two pictures that caught her eyes. They were on opposite sides of the room, but Sarah knew they were connected. One was a family photo of three humans. The other was a picture of three wolves. Sarah was snapped out of her thoughts by Ivy's return.

Ivy threw the first aid kit at Sophie, who gasped, "Hey!"

Ivy grinned, "You wanted to put your first aid skills to use, didn't you?"

Sophie sat up, "Yeah I do, but I don't understand."

Ivy sighed, "Do I have to spell it out?"

Understanding dawned and Sarah hurriedly cut her off, "No, no you don't. Sophie could you please hand me the first aid kit and I will leave you and Ivy alone."

Confused, Sophie threw it over, and at Ivy's face-palm she let out a gasp, "Oh! You wanted me to help bandage Sarah."

Sarah heard Ivy mutter, "Yeah" under her breath, but she was already out the door and dashing into her own room. Weird she already thought of it as 'her' room. She started with her left arm, and then put her splint on. Sarah started with her legs and worked her way up.

She was in the middle of bandaging her stomach, so her shirt was removed, when Ivy burst in, "I'm bor -- yikes why aren't you wearing a shirt?!"

Sarah jumped slightly and turned to face the now blushing Ivy, "Cause, I'm kinda in the middle of something."

Ivy averted her gaze, "Oh, right."

Sophie laughed from the hallway, "At least you're not bored anymore."

Ivy glared at her friend, "I suppose so. Now I'm just mortified. We'll just be going now. I'll see you at dinner."

Sarah muttered under her breath, "Don't count on it."

She didn't plan on attending dinner and leeching off the Griffon's. She finished bandaging herself and then realized she couldn't exactly hunt without having to replace her bandages. Maybe she would be going to dinner after all. After slipping her shirt back on Sarah took a moment to appreciate the guest bedroom. It was quite large with a full-sized bed in the middle. A small bookshelf was on one side and a bedside desk with a lamp provided light other than the overhead ceiling light and fan. Sarah made her way over to the bookshelf and skimmed the titles. Finally deciding to pick on at random, she opened the book and settled down on the bed getting lost in the world of dragons and wizards.

She was so enraptured by the book, that she didn't notice Ivy sneaking up on her until she was literally on top of her.

Ivy mimed the growl of a wolf and leaped on top of Sarah claiming, "Gotcha!"

Startled, Sarah grabbed her arms and quickly flipped her over, reversing their positions in an instant. She blushed once she realized she was restraining Ivy.

Sarah crawled off her apologizing, "I'm so sorry you just startled me."

Ivy, rather than being scared, looked impressed, "Wow! Didn't know you were such a badass. Remind me not to startle you."

Sophie laughed from the doorway glad to see her friend get beaten for once, "Didn't your dad already say that."

Picking herself up, Ivy whined, "Yeah, but he was talking to you."

Sophie laughed, "What, you thought you could pull one over on Sarah?"

Ivy admitted under her breath, "Yes," but Sarah heard it clearly.

Sophie continued, "Anyways, we came to let you know that dinner is ready."

Sarah joined them in the hallway, "Thanks."

The three made their way down the hall way towards the kitchen in a similar fashion as to how they had left. Sophie and Ivy lead the way with Sarah following behind.

They entered the kitchen and a woman about Mr. Griffon's age stood up, "Let me introduce myself. I'm Violet Griffon. Bill's husband."

Sarah forced a smile and returned the greeting, "I'm Sarah. Nice to meet you."

She tried to keep the venom out of her voice but failed. After all, she was addressing someone from the Lunar kingdom. A rebel with no respect for the crown. But, for Mr. Griffon's sake she forced a grin and pretended that she didn't want to strangle Violet. 

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