Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = your name


  It was an ordinary day in my little apartment in Chicago. It was a sunny Saturday morning. I was sitting on my couch as I normally do when I have nothing to do. I was watching some (favorite TV show). I was sitting there eating my breakfast wrapped up in a warm fuzzy blanket. 

Then I heard my phone vibrating, and I looked over at it and it was my brother Jack calling me. How does he have the time to be calling me? He should be recording some videos for YouTube or something. But don't get me wrong I love my brother, I am just very lazy.  I decide to pick it up and see what he wanted.

"Hey, Sis." Jack greeted me.

"Hey Jackaboy,"I responded, "What's up?"

"Well, soon PAX is coming to Chicago, and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me?"

"Yeah. I would love to, but on one condition."

"Oh, no are you going to ask me if you can do something weird like last year?"

" What no!? Well in my defense I was drunk with Sam when you asked. Yeah, I am never going to do that again. I will never know why I wanted to ride in on a helicopter and scream "I WILL RULE YOU ALL ONE DAY!" I was a weird 26-year-old."

"So what were you going to ask me, before we started reminiscing about last year?"

"Oh yeah. I was going to ask if I could take Sam along."

"Of course! Just don't go getting drunk with her because we don't want it to be like last year. I will send you your lanyards in the mail. They should arrive around Wednesday or so."

"Ok cool beans. I will let Sam know. Thanks, Big Bro."

" No problem little Sis. Love you."

"Love u too."

The ideas were running around like squirrels in a box of all the possibilities. I decided to immediately call Sam and tell her the great news. She is obsessed with YouTubers and could not believe my brother was Jacksepticeye. She is very energetic and a great person to be around. She always makes me laugh and does things for me. 

Now it is time for me to return the favor. I found Sam's contact and clicked the call button. I was waiting there in anticipation of telling her. It ringed 2 times and then before the third one ended Sam picked up.

"Hey, Sam."

"Hey (Y/N). How's it going?"

"Good. You?"

"Good. I was just relaxing and watching some YouTube." See I told you she was obsessed

"Well about that I have some very exciting news."

"Ooooh. Now I'm excited!"

"Well, you know how my brother is Jacksepticeye."

"Yeah. Cut to the chase already I can't wait any longer!"

"Okay. Okay. He got us exclusive passes to PAX this year!"


"Yes, I am I know it is very exciting."


"It is June 18th and today is June 10th, so we have 8 days until PAX."

"Okay, I am soooo excited I can't contain it as you can tell!"

"Yeah well, you're always like this so it is hard to tell excitement from fangirling, at this point."

"Well, I gotta run I will text you later when we can talk about the plans."

"Ok cool beans, talk to ya soon."

"Bye (Y/N)." 

"Bye Sam."

This is going to be so fun I can't wait. Even though I hardly watch any YouTube. The only stuff I watch is funny videos of cats being scared by cucumbers. Also, I haven't been able to see Jack since Easter this year.

 I don't even know how good or bad his YouTube career has been going. I am going to go check how many subscribers he has. I go on my laptop and look up YouTube. Once I get there I search "Jacksepticeye" and click on his YouTube channel. I see that he has over 18 million subscribers! 

Omg, that is a shit ton of subscribers! I never thought of my brother becoming an internet famous youtuber. Cuz he is doing what he has been doing since was a child as a profession. Which all he did was play video games and I would occasionally watch.

  After checking that I go to my recommended and watch some funny cat videos. Well on second thought I should probably do some work instead of watching some stupid videos. I walk over to my little office area and work on one of my animations. I work for this guy named Dan, and he runs a little animation studio. I had to finish this animation by Monday, and I am already halfway through.


My phone vibrated and I saw that I got a text from Jack.

"Do you want me to send the lanyard to Sam's address or just send them to you?"

"Yeah you can just send it to me cuz I don't trust her with anything. She loses things all the time and is very forgetful."

"Ok I will mail them tomorrow cuz I am too lazy to do it today."

"Ok cool beans. Sam is very excited about PAX. So be prepared for her to fangirl a lot."

"Yeah, I'm glad she is excited. She will be even more excited when she gets to meet my friend Mark.

"Is Mark another youtuber?"

"Yeah, he has around 19 million subscribers almost 20 mil."

"Wow. I don't think I have ever seen 19 million people in one room. He is doing well for himself."

"Yeah. He's nice too. He's not one of those snobby people, who thinks they are better than everyone else."

"Yeah, he sounds like a cool guy."

"Yeah, we have been friends since I think 2012 or 2013."

"Wow. How come I have never heard of him before?"

"IDK. I guess the topic never came up."

"Ok cool beans I need to go finish my animation. I will text u about the details for PAX.

"Ok love u (Y/N)."

"Love u too Jackaboy "

What You Thought Was Just Going To Be A Friendship (Markiplier X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now