Chapter 21

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(Y/L/N) = Your Last Name

(F/I/C)= Favorite Ice Cream


I jerk awake from that horrible noise coming from my phone. I rub my eyes and adjust to being awake. I grab my phone from the nightstand and turn off my alarm. I look at the time and see that it is 8:00am.

I slowly get out of bed and get dressed. I walk to the kitchen and make some coffee. I don't think anyone else is up. I go check to make sure Mark is still asleep. When I peek my head in I see him still sleeping, along with all the balloons.

I close the door as quite as possible and walk back to the kitchen. I get out all the ingredients to make Mark breakfast. I get all of them out and start cooking. I start by making pancake batter.

Also, I start making bacon and eggs. The aroma from the bacon fills the whole room and it just smells like delicious bacon.  I make the eggs, I make some of them scrambled and the other sunny side up.

Therefore, they can choose what eggs they want. For the pancakes, I make some with chocolate chips, strawberries, and blueberries. I also make some toast if anyone wants that instead of pancakes.

I finish getting breakfast ready and hear someone's door open. I can hear the faint footsteps walking towards the kitchen. I get ready to say "happy birthday" if it is Mark. When the person walks into the kitchen and see that it is Mrs. Fischbach.

"Oh good morning." I greet her. 

"Good morning (Y/N). I see that you have made breakfast." She points outs. There is still some sleepiness in her voice.

"Oh yeah. I wanted to make breakfast for Mark for his birthday today." 

"Aw, that is very sweet of you (Y/N). I am sure he is going to love it. Also, what are we going to say or do when he wakes up?"  

"I was thinking we can all say happy birthday as he walks in the entrance to the kitchen." I explain my thought.

"Yeah that would be nice. I will go get Thomas up, so he can join in on the fun." She exclaims walking out of view with a smile on her face. I wait a few moments and then I hear footsteps coming down the stairs.

I turn towards the entrance of the kitchen and see that it is Mrs. Fischbach and Thomas. Thomas looks very sleepy and not particularly thrilled about being awake. By his expression I can tell that he is shocked about all the decorations.

"Good morning." I exclaim as they fully come into view.

"Good morning." Thomas responds. He is looking around in aw at the decorations, we put up when he was asleep last night. "(Y/N), did you put up all these decorations?" he inquires.

"Yes, but I had some help from Mrs. Fischbach. She's a very crafty person ya know."

"Yeah, she used to do all the decorations for all our school dances when we were younger. Well it looks very good, Mark will be impressed." He explains.

"Thanks. He is also going to be a little mad because we filled his room with balloons." I explain, smiling a somewhat evil smile.

"Oh that's a great idea. I may or may not do that another time we are all here." He comments. After his last comment, an evil smile appears on his face.

"Thomas! You can't do that to your brother, just to prank him." Mrs. Fischbach exclaims, but not loud enough to wake Mark up.

"Alright, alright. I won't do it to Mark unless it is a special occasion, deal." Thomas explains looking at his mom.

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